Amazon pred is strong as fuck

Were not trying to balance certain players.
Were trying to balance the game.

You have multiple people telling you that.

As rey said, you’re going off faulty logic.

I’m just stating a fact tho.
Not arguing.

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This debate reminds me of a similar one about The Division. Have you ever played that?
At the beginning of the game every premade team was using this specific loadout and strategy. Everyone else cried it was OP. It could melt any opponent in seconds. I only used that also and i agreed it was OP. Till people started optimizing other loadouts, perks and equipment and started to kick premades ass and posting videos about it. And the other loadout wasn’t OP anymore because now people knew how to deal agains that. And no, no updates were ever made for balancing. That took +3y to happen, till then people think that one loadout was the meta and those premades were invincible.
And i’m talking about a game with 1000 times bigger playerbase.
I know it’s not a comparable game to PHG. But the debate it’s very much the same.

You’re stating facts in an argument lol
Not criticising, but you’re participating in the argument nonetheless.

Stop playing phg lol

Get a phucken life

I’ll stop when i want.
You have a problem with me playing the game? Was your money that bought it? Don’t think so.
(beep) turns on PS5

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First of all you know pretty well that’s not the ratio. Not even close.
2nd, yes if it’s possible for the Pred to win, it’s always possible. Like i said, the difference it that the Pred can’t make mistakes while FT has a much bigger window for it.

Enjoy the seziures XD

And actually you’re right about that. I got this game for free on PS, and I still want my money back.

It’s an exaggerated number sure but the fact of the matter is that the majority of the time a good FT will beat a good pred. This has been proven several times and explained multiple times. Just because the pred can win some does not mean that they are equal.

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That’s a gear based game. This Is not.
It is not the same in any way.

Look you can keep trying to justify it to make yourself feel better.
You’ve always done that.

Your division statement would make sense if you were talking about a game like smite.

Its fucking insane. Absolute lunacy that you cant comprehend that no game where a team can burn through the solo faction this quickly, is not balanced.

Its not hard. Its simple. Ft damage is too high.

It doesnt matter if a player wins.
The numbers dont change.
And the numbers are the problem.

This isn’t opinion.

I’ll say it again. A full premade death squad is OP. Yes, it is. I agree. Will always win more than lose. Hands down. Don’t argue with that. Surely not 99/100 but a solid 60 or 70.
But less than a full team, FT isn’t OP.


Feel better?? Do you thing i get any joy in my life from a video game? That was true 20 years ago.

Of course it is opinion.
You can’t make that jidgement only from numbers.
By your POV you pick any 4 potatoes running Assault Deadly, Yautja’s Bane, Hammerhead and 1011 and they’re gonna win the match wirh ease? Thinking of that, that’s insane! That’s lunacy.

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But is OP, just because people won’t fully utilize all the benefits doesn’t mean they’re not there. The only way pred will win is if the people they’re going up against are useless, how is that not an issue? The second they become the least bit competent the pred has to try substantially more.

Dude. The players wont be op. But the gear still will.
And its the gear that’s the problem.
Because its not simply that it’s good.
It’s too strong.

So no. It’s not an opinion.

I’m not trying to mess with you.
I’ve been telling you this for years.

How you can argue against multiple people who know the game well is beyond me.

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Wht does that apeech doesn’t apply on the other way?
Tell me?
When Pred loses, does he always utilize all the benefits?

Because what ft has is better.
Like objectively better.

So you’'re saying that:

  • There aren’t good Pred players. They’re just lucky when they win, or the FT is bad.
  • And there aren’t good FT players, FT is just OP.
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If a pred loses its because of one of three things,

  1. They suck (goes with the whole ain’t utilizing their benefits)

  2. They get hit demolished in a quick burst of damage from at least 1-2 FT members due to their insane damage output and hitscan weaponry.

  3. Bugs.

Thanks for proving my point.

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Lol love how you ignore everything else. Also love how I answered your question and you’re trying to use this as a gotcha.

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