I much promise as well as wasted potential with these new discoveries
2020-2021 Archive of leaks
Nice vid. Cool T
Would be cool if you talk about a the mods in private matches
I’m working on that there’s so much to talk about gotta do my tests first
Great. Can’t wait to see all the options.
There, people would have a city map so they’d shut up about it already
This would be great. I’d love to see area with varied elevation so pred jumping matters more and FT has a harder time sticking together
FYI, i think Valkyie’s hair is that same leak with the ponytail. Scratch that one off.
The fact tht a lot of this has been released already hypes me up so much because it damn near confirms all the leaks will eventually be here lol
That’s a favela, not a city… but it’s a step in the right direction.
That looks awesome. Brazil huh? Danny glover as a DLC? In the comics didn’t he go hunt a Predator in Brazil? 🤔
For all we know this is the concept art for Backwater
That’s why I’m not going to put any concept art, specifically of an map, in my ever growing list of leaks
Pwillie-2000 always credits the guys in the forum and asked robo way ahead of time if he could use the stuff we find in his videos so relax man.
Ohhh soooo here you are talking shit at least I’m able to read the whole thing and yeah buddy I already asked them a long ass time ago and I always credit people don’t go talking shit running your mouth about something you have no clue about buddy
Jokes on you idiot. He already asked me, and gave credit to both me and the leakers. So I suggest you take your sorry troll ass off the forum.
Not a problem
So what are your thoughts on some of the leaks that weren’t in your video