anyone main battle axe

thinking of maining it any tips

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It’s tracking sucks, and it’s really inaccurate sometimes.
FT can easily side step or back up to avoid being hit

Do note that if you use the heavy swing on FT that are running away, if they jump you will miss 100%.

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I fixed it for how tracking feels in this game.

Axe is a meme weapon at best.

Tbh you’re better off using the war club, it’s way more reliable it just needs a bit of getting used to. The axe while powerful is only good when getting the drop on someone or when they’re trapped otherwise and decent player who’s paying attention can avoid it.

Sickle is the way.

Sickle or combi, more Combistick for me bc of the throw… but yeah pretty much all other pred melee weapons are trash with horrendous tracking.

If you use it while sprinting and using the heavy attack, the tracking is pretty good so long as your camera is looking toward said FT member.

The light attack is really only for messing with them and shouldn’t be head on.

Have fun!

Anyone Running spotter is going to make the Battle Axe even more worthless. Shoot ask @GothamsPredator what happened to his hunter being spotted with the katana

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But my my poke stick that gives people paper cuts

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Use the charged attack first then swing when you got a good momentum, if not use your plasma then finish them off with the axe

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That’s why I said

Yeah about that

If you are sprinting towards a ft member running away, you will hit them.

Chances of missing are still there, but you need to know how the weapon works to use it properly.

Different people can have different experiences.

No they can’t!!! 😅

I have video proof of me chasing a FT member I’d heavy attack they’d jump add I missed

I can’t share my experiences without you proving what I’m saying “doesn’t hold up”?

I have bopped more than my fair share of FT members, that showing me a video of a few instances of you missing, doesn’t make what I say less valid…

Ok here is a video of me duringViking Thor’s Day

Happens at 4:44

He jumped backwards and you are attacking on uneven ground.

Of course you missed…

I just smacked 4 FT members down with the axe.

Think there needs to be a slight acknowledgment for user error here…

I’m not saying what you’re saying isn’t valid, what I’m saying is there is a FT work around that you got to be careful about