Arnold's Playground -


@Revoke link on my server CraFTSmaN My YouTube channel

My guy, I’d legit be dead if I just ‘held the L’. I don’t give up even when i’m stabbed in the guts lmao
Call back when you’ve been shot in the shins a couple times (or if you decide to get into theology/politics) then we’ll have something to bicker about XD

89D lets talk about it, kiddo.

Oh goody for you, you get to play with bombs. I wasn’t talking about being in the army, dipshit, I was kicked out after day 1 because i couldn’t follow orders XD
In my experience the army consists purely of zealots and ex-cons. Also, if you worked in bomb disposal, who the fuck was stabbing you?

“In My ExPeRiEnCe” “I aLmOsT jOiNeD”

“i WaS iN oRdNaNcE dIsPoSaL”, “hOlD tHe L”

Two can play at that game, dumbass XD
Still didn’t answer the question of ‘who the fuck is stabbing and shooting you if you work in bomb disposal’. I mean, worst you get is stress from defusing bombs. Or, y’know, explosions, but if you’d been in any of those, we wouldn’t be having this conversation now would we?

Won’t waste time on a rodent. Literally neck yourself, disrespectful little shit.

Says the fucking five-year-old 15 days later lmao
Calling me disrespectful isn’t even an insult, it’s just a statement of fact. And of course I’m not gonna show respect for some fuckwad who may or may not be from the American army, go fuck yourself you entitled little prick.

The amount I’d give to watch you say that in person is beyond your comprehension… Scrawny little neckbeard.

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If he doesn’t, I will. You touch me, you go to jail. And I’ll do it again. And again. And again. And watch you go to jail again. And again. And again. The law will always have me over you. You’d have to kill me, and even then, you’re fucked.

$5 and a beer says you’d be too chicken shit to do anything anyways. Big talkers on forums but little babies in person. I know, sounds ironic with my post, right? Thing is I know the outcome, and I win either way.

Sorry @MaadieTheBaadie, I’m amazed you feel the need to inject yourself into our civil conversation. Please find your safe space and a litter box, I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings.

Aight lol, more than happy to.
You want my adress, just ask and I’ll message it to you. Then again, I doubt even a wannabe ‘war veteran’ such as yourself would be petty enough to journey from Alabama out to the Scottish Highlands just to try and beat up an internet troll. And who knows, maybe one day i’ll be on holiday in yankeetown, and i’ll run into you (or someone like you, who believes they fought for a worthwile cause) and when you start spouting your ‘war story’ bullshit, I’ll tell you to shut the fuck up. Right to your face, just like you want.

nobody cares

game is dead

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It’d be the last conscious thing you do ;)

Onion mitosis stain.

There will be no further elaboration. Get science’d on.

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Somehow I doubt that. Probably due to the fact that I’ve said it to idiots before and won the ensuing fistfight. Idk why you think that a ‘civilian’ is incapable of violence or self-defence, it’s pretty stupid of you and is likely to get you fucked over sometime in your life. Judging by the language you use, you’re definitely young, and reguardless of whether or not you’re telling the truth about being in ordnance disposal, your attitude is going to get you fucking killed, kid. By cockily mishandling a bomb or by pissing off the wrong civvy, either way you’re gonna fucking die young lol


The nat-4 biologist within my soul just got a little more erect lol

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Wow, I thought you’d been chibbed XD
The fuck are you doing here a twelfth of a year later? Move the fuck on with your life, you depressing entitled little shit.