As someone who doesn't have Jungle Hunter...

What are the objective differences between Jungle Hunter and Captured?

Yes, I’m still sore about not having Jungle Hunter. My tears are valid damn you.


Not much. Armor is slightly lighter and has opaque scratches all about his armor


Captured isn’t even entirely accurate, he ain’t supposed to have the left gauntlet cable

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Captured Predator is still a Jungle Hunter. I believe legal action should be looked into. Taking Jungle Hunter and renaming him Captured and releasing him is a scumbag move to all who pre-ordered.

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No it isn’t, all who pre ordered are scumbags.


Ouch. That hurts, man

Not as much as not having the actual jungle hunter skin 😆

Either way we are all losers , its for an illfonic game 🙄


Are you serious?

This was literally the idea that everyone was okay with lmao.

You can’t even blame Illfonic for this because all Jungle Hunter Predators look the fucking same anyway. Captured is under a different trademark or whatever legal technicality there is. I would have loved it if JH just became a DLC with different Stats but they’re settling for Captured.

Shit, if Illfonic actually took the fourm’s idea on this, time to start begging for Scarface.


Actually it was the one idea that I was entirely against lol. I would have been fine if they said due to how many people wanted him, they will release him and will no longer be a skin but a separate unique class that comes with an armor variant of captured. All those who preordered would get it for free. Instead it feels like the scummiest thing they could do.


I wouldn’t expect anything less .

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I’m sorry but who actually cares about having Captured added to the game, and is annoyed just because he looks like Jungle Hunter? Just stop whining because they aren’t exactly the same, and either way I love the Captured Predator anyway, he had some of the best scenes in Predators 2010 and is still a badass Predator, I mean come on he was strung up in that camp for ages and still gave Mr Black a hard fight. Not to mention that Mr Black used Plasma. I honestly think if Royce stayed to help Captured, they could’ve killed Mr Black there and then. Makes you think, how much of a badass was this guy likely to have been if he were never strung up? After all, it took Me Black, Falconer and the Hunting dogs just to capture him . He has a cool story aswell, not just the Jungle Hunter. I get why people are pissed off about it because they pre-ordered, but the people who didn’t preorder, were even more pissed off. Heck some people like me had probably never pre-ordered anything before in their life😂. To be honest I would still play as Captured even if I had preordered the game because he is still a cool character. Just be grateful we got these 3 Predators that are actually from the movies instead of a Cowboy Predator or some other crappy madeup cosplay dlc. Can we just respect this dlc, which isn’t perfect don’t get me wrong, but is still one of the better dlcs we have gotten. Please just consider the way the non-preorder peasants like myself and how they feel about this dlc😂


totally agree… samurai, viking, cleo… i can have a little bit of curiosity, but what i want for the beginning is the movies roster… maybe we have some slot open for comics pred and videogames pred… wolf, fugitive, tracker,scarface from concrete jungle are my hope now… the AVP cast is missing actually, but we got some mask… celtic is my favorite one

for JH… well, i preordered it… like savini jason, its an esclusive feature for those that have preordered the game, so all this waste of tears is stupid. Captured is another story.


Personally I believe the best additions for dlc atm would be crappy stat Fireteam members😂 to balance out the game seeing as Berserker and most melee classes are simply not viable against good teams😂

But yeah for Predator dlcs the best additions would be in my opinion Wolf Predator, as he could bring new weapons, variants, and gear for the Predators. He could have the Praetorian tip razor whip for new weapon, plasma mines for gear, and new variants of hand held caster, and shuriken variant for smart disc. Possibly double plasma casters, but that’d be a bit OP for once on the Predator side😂. Not to mention that he would have to be the best Predator in the game😂

Personally I want Dark Predator from AVP 2010, my favourite character from my favourite game😂. And he would be even more badass than Wolf because he actually beat the Predalien 1on1. Scarface would be great aswell but Illfonic won’t be able to add all his weaponry, especially as they couldn’t even add Falconers drone yet.

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Real JHs can be identified by their neck drip.

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And also recognisable by the players pre-order avatars 👍🏻

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It’s fine and dandy that you like him but that doesn’t change the fact that he is a near carbon copy clone of JH. They said they would not release JH and yet they skirt around it by releasing captured who is 98% exactly like JH minus the necklace and his armor being slightly more weathered.

If it was to avoid a legal issue then that makes it even scummier. Do I feel bad for them? Not one bit because they chose to make JH a preorder exclusive which they knew would piss people off, waited a while and released a clone in the super pred pack instead of adding in the third super to bump up their sales for this pack.

We now have in game 3 classes that are nearly the exact same with Elder at least having a different physique and face model however if you give him the classic skin he’s also clone.

Also to tell people to stop complaining because they added a clone of a character that they themselves said would not be released is rich considering people have been bitching for nearly two years to release JH. Now that they essentially got him it’s “oh stop your whining”, fuck off with that hypocritical bullshit.

To also say be grateful is also absurd, be grateful for a clone? For two supers with a shit ton of issues and stats that outclass most other classes. It’s this kind of thinking that lets them get away with half assing things because they know people will eat it up regardless.


If it was their way around releasing JH , pair that with no roadmap , it may all but confirm that its the end of the road 🤔

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End of the road probably not, end of them actually trying to polish things before they release them to an extent yeah. Just look at exile, I’m still waiting for them to release his predlocks, you know part of the character I PAID for and yet nothing. Something that should have been an easy fix a few days after his release but it’s been two months now and still nothing but I should shut up and be grateful.

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Have u not bought captured lol he has exact same stats

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