Avorion: Lazy's Armada

Do one of the mods telling us to fuck off LOL

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Lmao bro, I knew about this for like a month now. But it’s too much power to be unleashed on the public.

Sad part is Im pretty sure I said something like that a month or so ago so I wasnt sure if that one was real or nah lol

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Nah I wouldnt fuck with that one. Thats how you get banned lol

Something like this would suffice

Guys should I fuck with the other lazy?

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You got no nipples.

We didnt need to know that fam

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Were fkn childish xD

[quote=“Lazycollinator, post:37, topic:13340”]


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Like you said.

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Lmfao. You better hope the fkn degenerate assholes of the forum dont find this xD.

It would be literal chaos

I welcome it.

Surprised Pikachu Face

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Lol omg I think this is the breaking point. You’re just going to use this to debate and argue yourself for eternity. XD

This is like having access to the big red nuke button but not knowing whether or not to just yolo and press it.

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In all seriousness though this could cause havok so

@Courier @OldKingHamlet

Sorry to bug you guys but as you can see

Quotes can be manipulated in pretty much any way and the only way you can tell is by clicking them to check them.

Achieved literally by just changing the text as it is. Names can also be changed, but thats less relevant, as in most cases its far more obvious by the lack of profile icon.