Axe overhead attack too op and abused

Wrong. I hit moving, jumping and falling targets all the time. The tracking is wonky but if you time your swings with their movements you will catch them.

The axe is probably the best thing next to the smart disc to use against above average players and squads right now. Literally, we’ve been screaming to buff the pred to handle those types of teams, and they did with the axe. And now people want that taken away, because wahh2much damage? Cry some more.


No and git gud

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Just jumping to the side is not a good counter, you still take the damage because of the hitbox. The axe can land next to you or in front of and you still take the damage even when it doesn’t hit you. Even if you dodge once they are going to just spam and spam because the cool down is almost non existent until you no longer have stamina. Just shooting while solo is NEVER a good counter to 1v1 against a predator especially if they are axe spaming, so mentioning that as an option makes you look inexperienced.

Anyone that actually thinks the predator having a 1 hit weapon and acts like I smacked their gma by me just giving my feedback must be the ones that love to abuse it. I just would like any game I play to be as balanced as possible. If either fireteam or predator have 1 hit weapons that isn’t balance. If you think that having a 1 hit weapon in this game is good then imo you lack honor or at the very least maturity so your opinions in these types of discussions carry no weight.

My only reason to make the original post was to point out that almost half the lobbies are just axe spamming predators now and how that WILL cause a decrease in the player base if more predators decide to take the lazy/boring way to play. The devs, if they actually pay attention to this forum, can take it or leave.

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i find it better than most games

This, doesn’t exist in this game. Don’t use it here.

Your whole post doesn’t make sense to me. Have YOU played as Pred, using the axe as your main? Try it sometime. You’ll see how difficult it actually is to use it. I can’t tell you, out of dozens of matches I’ve had since the buff, how many FTs I’ve seen effectively counter the axe. They move backwards out of range, to the side, zig-zag which throws off the tracking, some of them have speed boosts, some parry effectively…I’m damn good against 99% of the people I fight but there are many, many ways to avoid and counter the axe. I’ve been put into second wind dozens of times, I’ve lost three times, one of them was last night against a coordinated team that wouldn’t allow me to come close at all. Using the axe is nowhere near “lazy”. Don’t preach to us, the ones who ARE experienced, about what is and isn’t “op”.

Also, its not a 1-hit weapon. Most of the time there needs to be a follow-up light swing, sometimes several if the class has a lot of health boosts. The overhead isn’t a guaranteed 1-hit downer.

You sound like a salty FT player that is pissed your SAWZ and Hammerheads are rendered almost useless now against a Pred that has half a brain. May I point out, those weapons, especially the former, are nowhere near balanced either. The FT has always, always been able to deal more damage than the Pred, even in 1v1. The Pred has always had a harder time winning against good players. So when it FINALLY gets a buff to help it, you get butthurt? Give me a break. Echoing the sentiments of others, git gud or don’t play. Your choice.

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This forum us filled with:

  • unpleasable people
  • people who just troll for no reason
  • aren’t actively here to make the game a better place and would rather suggest changes be made in their favor.

There are so few people on this forum that somply want a Predator game to play and to build a similar love we actually have for the franchise.

Everyone is here trying to prove they are the best or other people know nothing.

Just don’t let the senselessness get to you and just ignore the usual suspects!



Not saying I’m the best at anything. But I will back up the facts that everyone knows, and if they don’t, they will. And give my own experience, because not everyone plays both sides. Also, maybe if the game was developed and cared for better, this would be a more active forum.


Despite the axe being “dodgable/counterable” still doesn’t mean it isn’t as broke as the “hook” right now, and I think that’s where people are drawing a line and people are avoiding it. Melee just needs appropriate reworks so weapons do appropriate damage for what they are.

You nailed it right on the head, if this game was more updated and cared for, the devs wouldn’t have such a shit show to “handle” on their hands.

ALL weapons need reevaluation, honestly. On both sides. Each side has “op” weapons that certain builds can greatly, brokenly, enhance. So its not just Pred melee, FT has a ton of issues too.

Also I don’t use the Hook anymore, it may be fast but the damage to speed ratio was getting me melted more than anything. I’d rather have a higher damage output and sacrifice speed.

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I don’t use hook or axe on purpose due to how easily it downs ft on console.

Also refuse to use them on purpose to knowingly get an edge against anyone.

Hopefully one day things will deal damage, appropriate dmg and it make sense :)

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Unfortunately by playing randoms I know I will eventually run into a team that I need an edge with, so I run with the axe as my main. I DO switch it up when I feel squirrely though, usually Scout or Hunter if I want to test my skills.

Hopefully, in a perfect world, yes. But not with this company.

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Over the last 2 weeks the playerbase probably decreased 50% with the launch of battlefield.

someone probably beat you to a post whining about caster already.

But the axe heavy is literally just the pred dunking on people. 10/10 weapon, use everytime.

Yes, smort

Naaaaah, the axe is fine as it is right now, don’t change it.

What’s more op than an overhead axe attack?.. TWO overhead attacks ofcourse!
This way i can skip the Fearless perk and Ghost/Wrathful specialization and pick something else, since my attack will down even Supports and Dutch with Thick Skin, OWLF Trained etc! :>


Imagine using axe to be good am I right??

I think I’ve only ever used it like 3 times

I legit only use the axe now simply because people cry about it.