Axe overhead attack too op and abused

Gooooood. Likewise 😁 love seeing people quit after getting axed.


Normally I use the ninja blade because it’s bad ass.
But the axe has replaced that because I like hearing people key up just to cry. 😂

I see Valkyrie Ghosts with axes and Zerks every time I play.

Don’t take this wrong but it’s not OP.

Learn what class / spec usually has it and expect it. Adjust tactics accordingly.

It’s pretty easy to avoid if you stay aware and literally just move out of the way.

Parry isn’t the answer to everythin.

Move or jump laterally, aim, walk backwards while firing, then move. You aren’t going to take him down before he swings again so let off the trigger and move til the next opportunity opens.

Keep your team together but not on top of each other


I just got 20 kills in 8 minutes on clash with Valkyrie spec’d for the ax, sure drunk on power right now but I suspect this will get boring

Listen, Axe is fine where it is. Except for one thing. The attack speed. Either drastically increase stamina consumption and keep the speed. Or slow it down and keep stamina consumption the same. Been seeing too many monkeys spamming the attack buttons and winning.


Yup. This ☝️.
Tha Axe makes any average Predator look good.

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cough cough buff axe & git gud cough cough

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