Backwater shenanigans.

As the FT, you have to realize that hiding under the floorboards on backwater is just free XP for me. I had this dude fucking camp under the floorboards for the whole 10 min after I wiped his team.

The thing is, first off ima bear trap the only entrance. Second off, im gonna keep ground slamming, but third off, sitting directly above you is free XP for me. So its not even like you are wasting anyones time other than your own, and your dead teamaates (Who sure as shit would have loved to reinforce).

Just saying guys. You arent punishing pred for hiding down there. you are punishing yourself and your whole team. (Ill take the free xp, I need all I can get lol)


I get 1000xp off campers. Just by being next to them.

I do agree. But at the same time leaving is a death trap. What are they supposed to do when I’m on the only entrance out?

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Not be there in the first place lol.

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I killed him right at the end too with consistent ground slams. Aint that a kick in the teeth.

If you want do hide ok its fun sometimes but…true ft players challenge pred for duel 1vs1

Ya but its not rly apparent that your rly going to kill them at first. As opposed to running out
(FYI I don’t do this, talking about the spycology of randoms, not me. Just wanted to clarify)

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Plus as pred I’ve done this multiple times and they all managed to survive. Of course in my example its in the very begining of the match so they still have full supplies.

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Thats what made this one especially juicy haha. it was right at the beginning, probably within the first 3 min I wiped his team. Took me about 2 min to figure out exactly what part of the floor he was under, and scout out exits. then it was just cat and mouse with mouse traps in front of the exit.

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If the predator is not completely brain dead… You’re not winning a 1v1… The reason you do the hiding is so you piss him off that he can’t kill you.

That said I probably did the hiding 2-3 times. Never at those well know spots. That is a very bad idea. Just find some random other spot and hide. Suffice to say predator did NOT find me even after some 6 minutes of searching.

We played hide and seek in private match with @GetToLaChappa and other guys … Ft and Pred had hide ans seek loadout it was fun

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Speaking of backwater shenanigans LOL