
Being that fireteam can resurrect and even stop the predator bomb I think that if a predator can get up to where the radio they use is at that we could destroy it to cancel the reinforcements. Anyone else think so?


there are lot of issue’s to be discuss where do we get start… and yes with plasma cannon if the hunter gamer is found must be destroyable… even chopper…

No, because even if they call for reinforcements you still can get more kills if your good. as for Destroying the hellicopter no, because then Preds will just Cheese the spawn and shoot it so therefore making playing the fireteam meaningless. As A Predator that’s a really horrible Idea, will not make the game enjoyable or fun for anyone period.

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Destroying the heli can be done

Reinforcement removal can actually be a positive thing

Read my full guide for the full scoop on my take for balance changes

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They have nerfed the predator so much that a single player can take a quarter of your health in 5 seconds.

its 87 theme anyway i have allmost every game with per movie in my mind so its normal there is no extraordinary issue here (for me) as hunter of course ‘’ unlike ‘’ ft gamers im not selfish it must be fair for both side as berzerker cant feeling anything since last update honestly more harder to stay close to them and especialy parry against such force with little knife ? sigh jesus… many thing reduced since first experience some good undo’s or rebalance’s can be good…

i don’t think you realize how long 5 seconds is lol count to five right now and tell me that’s not a long time to be taking damage. if you’re taking hits for a solid 5 seconds, i’d say you’re extremely lucky to only have 1/4 of your health gone.

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I think he just means quickly. Which is true, you can take a quarter of his health quickly. But also 1/4 of your health, there are 4 of them, meaning four of them equals one of you. So I’m not sure it’s a bad thing lol

This is really good🤝👍

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So ever since its touch up patch (it could use some extra testing/finer tuning) reinforcements is not the power house it used to be.

This along with players learning how to play better, this respawn mechanic is actually used by efficient Preds to increase kill and trophy counts and XP by almost double.

Being able to destroy it, honestly would be unfair seeing how Preds have SW that can be recharged and theres a perk for less time recharge.

You can motion sensor trap it

You can bear trap it

If you know where its at you have one of the biggest advantage once you land kills, you know where the first person to break away from the group if they just run for it, where they are going. Exactly where.

They usually get tunnel vision doing this. You can injure them all the way there. You can kill them or lure them away. Respawn has to have them up, and near to work. They can’t otherwise. Even if its group of 3.

People even bait it so they go for just one person to respawn, bit of a waste. People down one of survivors let guy go, respawn the group then kill the DBNO guy and its 3v1 again.

As for the health thing.

Few recommendations. One if you’re on PS4 turn cross play off. PC is a whole different hell house right now apparently due to multiple issues. No advice there sorry.

Second, run Scout class for a bit, get good, get used to it. Then run a Hunter class.

Shit will change drastically.

As a Scout you are almost restricted to all long range, which is fine and fun. Speed is nice.

After being used to being a frail twig for a while, jumping back to hunter you feel like a fucking tank. And the speed dif? Not so much dif. The health dif? Very noticeable.

Playing Scout is like hard mode, going to hunter after feels like going back to meduim. You go from “I need to move to keep health” to “Ah -15%, still got 85%”

I mean counting to five quickly like a kid would. And the way your thinking of it isn’t quite right if all four shot at me in that short time and hit it would be an almost instant death the only thing a predator can do for an instant death is a stealth kill but that also leaves you open to massive Damage from the others. I’ve had a fireteam kill my berserker before I hit the ground from a leap at full health


Yeah that’s my point though. If all four shoot at you, and all land on you clean, you should die. I mean right? Is that not how the game was balanced. All four of them together take you down. It’s our job as the predator to make the engagement on our terms. Now I’m not saying this to sound big brained or like I have all the answers cause it’s definitely not that simple when the team is very very good. A really good FT makes doing that very difficult. But I also feel like that’s how it’s meant to be too. If the whole team is good and you just find easy openings that’s probably not balanced. Beating a whole stacked FT is hard and sometimes you lose but that’s how it’s supposed to be. Would be kinda silly if you just win every time. Sometimes I beat FT’s where I’m like damn that was nuts hard. Sometimes they fuck me up and I have to go heal and play differently and maybe someone gets away. That’s the game

But see the problem lies in this you slam weapon stuck in the ground the can shoot the crap out of you. You do a stealth kill someone comes round the corner there is half your health gone. And there is no splash damage weapons for the predator I keep dealing with ft that stick together like glue noone far enough away to even try to pick off. I’m not saying pred needs an Uber weapon but something to discourage them from being so close they feel the other fart. And stoping a combi with a knife is bs

I agree with you on most of your points but with how short the games are and with how quickly the FT can finish the objectives you rarely get the chance to attack them “on your terms”. 90% of the time you have to go at them asap in order to delay them and make the game last longer. If you wait too long they’ll be done within 3 minutes. When we all started playing it was different; nobody knew the maps, nobody knew the objectives and everybody was terrified of the Predator. Unfortunately it’s been a month with no new maps or missions so the FT can be (and usually is) pretty cocky against the Predator. Mix that with everybody playing as Arnie now and it just makes things worse. That’s also not mentioning the guns and perks you get at higher levels.

I think they should either add a second game mode where the matches are longer (though this could lead to longer wait times by splitting up matchmaking), or one with longer objectives that require you to split up (giving the Predator a choice of strategy and a better chance of making a successful move), or both at the same time.

Maybe you can help me with a problem I’ve been having it seems that no matter what I do the fireteams in the last few matches see me like I’m not even cloaked any ideas?

The only time that ever happened to me was when I used the smart disk while cloaked but they fixed that bug. Can’t say anything similar has happened since then. Does it start from the very beginning of the match or did you do something beforehand that could cause it?

It’s also possible that they spam spot which will tag you even when you’re completely still.

No I’m completely still they aren’t spotting just firing and directly on me they shouldn’t have been able to see me I didn’t even change weapons and yes I was definitely cloaked

Very odd. I hope they haven’t found out how to use Cheat Engine with this game or it’s going to die very quickly.

basically this