Bear Traps are for trash players

Traps suck vs good players.


I don’t want to discuss it here. If you are that sure, we can make a match. If you win at least 1, i will agree that I was wrong.

This is a fact

Lol so thats a yes. Also I run with the three ps4 players that scrubed you soooo

Was that yes or no? We can play, lol. You won’t win a match.

Lol. Nah I dont have time to play against a scrub. If three out of the 4 scrubbed you already a full ft wouldn’t be fair to you lol

Understood, another shit talker noob.

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Lol. Shit talker definitely a noob by far. Enjoy you dying pc player base. Lol

By the way, PS4 base<PC base on skill level. Good luck with that logic.

No cause you start out talking shit about people just using them.
You’ve never liked them for stupid reasons, but you know, to each their own.

You dont like to have fun fucking with your prey.

But then you talk as those people are only trash cause traps are trash. Like wtf.

In conclusion, traps fucking suck after they became destructible.
However using them does not make you trash.

It just means you like to have fun.
Same as net.

However, those who went and trapped the radio beforehand, ya that was pretty lame.

Theres always so much hate for good gear.
Goooood forbid pred have anything good.

A good status effect?
Fuck you no.

Good damage?
No go fuck yourself.

But ft get good shit?

jesus christ the hatred pred gets from everyone.
And you guys call yourselves predator fans lmao.

@Thunderwolf450 @Thunder-Cats you two really need to cool you jets before you both get suspended

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I wont get suspended. Lol Im level headed this man over here is very very angry

And course we are afraid of prooving our words. Chicken style action buddy.

Ya no, pc players just think their better.
You guys have your heads shoved faaaaar up your ass lmao.

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Prove our words. Is that english? Fuck are you another of of these ppl that need to use google translate to talk lol pathetic

Avoiding the question, how pathetic.

Pc preds movement sucks compared to ps4 pred movement. They can only leap in liner lines and are very easy to read lol

What question? You didnt ask a question. Lol wtf

I’ll only give up my traps if I get to use a hitscan LMG as Predator.

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Oh shit keyboard movement.
Fuck that’s gotta suck lol.

I forgot about that.

See idk how anyone likes keyboard.
I get mouse but keys seems so god damn ineffective for 3d games.

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