Because you said Sorry

Two actors who play the same in everything they do and idris who literally says “I’m black superman” in the movie 🙄😖


No it wasn’t! Want some proof!? Sure! The two masks in the bundle were Mr black, one long time players have been asking for since launch, and the other, IS LITERALLY IN THE GAME ON ARNOLDS CHARACTER MODEL! So you’d only even know this thing EXISTS if you’ve played the game! This game was meant to excited our content hungry player base and milk them and the fact you can’t see that shows how good they are at bullshitting all of you

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Read what I just said to the other cat lol.

1 mask actually cause again. One is free and one is bugged and they can’t use it! 1 mask

Oh you mean the rebreather? Ya I don’t like it cuz it makes my Predator cross eye lol

Not to mention that the concept is fucking retarded , let me guess , it somehow gives you thermal vision? Even though it was a handheld in the movie but it sits on the preds face in game? Total lazy shite


Super fucking lazy and stupid. It should have been another healing equipment option. Like one that makes you recover from 2nd wind faster or something

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Excite yeah, milk? I don’t think so. Even with a member of their team all but saying “save your money the shit is coming free” again, your perspective is that it was aimed at us. I’ve provided reasonable doubt I believe that it wasn’t

One of the masks, new players literally would not even know existed. I promise you this was made to look innocent, but was very much intended to see how many old heads they could get to give them another 20 dollars. Want more reasoning? It’s the 1 year anniversary so you’d think old players might get a bundle as well. Why not make a new players bundle with all that content, then a whole separate one with just the masks? Cause they know if they just said 20 bucks for masks people would freak out. So they kept it all together instead so they’d have the cop out of, well we said it was only for new players 🤷🏼‍♂️ The writing is all over the walls. They are playing you guys STILL.

Is the ‘lol’ at the end because even you realise it’s utter BS.

I don’t want to waste time talking with a fantasist, but perhaps just spend a second questioning why your god is supposedly real, while the hundreds of other gods and religions throughout history (many pre-dating the creation of your particular myth book) are not real?

Religion is just a crutch for people who struggle with reality and are petrified of dyeing.

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Didn’t play shit I didn’t buy it. I’m in no rush and have no need to throw money at them.

It’s literally in the item Description that it’s the mask he uses as a pauldron?

That necessarily a bad thing?

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You say that as if there isn’t an IDF sniper in the game. Religion matters whether you believe in it or not so at least pick the right ones to tease.

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How the fuck would new players know what that means? Y’all really love pretending they aren’t fucking us. This bundle was designed to give an excuse to sell us masks for 20 dollars. Plain and simple. Keep denying it, but you literally have to be blind to miss this

Well, as long as people are happy to live a delusion, then maybe not. Obviously though I don’t need to list all the horrific things that have been and still are done in the name of religion.

Honestly no…I think you have a strong bias against them (earned in honesty at this point) and you’re denying a logical counter argument because of that

I don’t. I’m one of the few who doesn’t use bias. I said Isabelle was cool dlc. When it’s good I’ll say it’s good. You are denying ALL The logic here hahaha like very very basic logic shows this is them trying to get old players to buy it.

No, also don’t have to talk down on someone’s beliefs at the same time either. Plenty of good has been done by religion for individuals as well, which easily gets ignored because it isn’t as sensational or scandalous. Point is though, he’s got his beliefs, i got mine, you got yours, and none of them have to do with invisible alien trophy hunters really 😁

No it’s not as you have literally provided no counter to my points dude. Like seriously if I felt this was a scam to rip off the longtime player base I’d be pretty vocal about it. I don’t see it that way. Personally I see it as a lack of development and them trying to turn shit to gold and salvage income by pushing promotions on the new platform they just released on because they literally have nothing ready for release