Because you said Sorry

You have made no argument! Lol WAT! Your whole point is, it was made for new players. I’ve PROVED it’s not! It has a mask that in the DESCRIPTION of the dlc says, a mask that has been asked for by the COMMUNITY! What community? Oh of your current player base? Not new players? And another mask that you would have no clue what it is or why it’s valued UNLESS YOUVE PLAYED THE GAME! This is SO blatantly them trying to get the OG players to throw 20 bucks at NOTHING new! All the content in this bundle, the real content, is old! But they are trying to make a quick buck off old players boredom and desire for new content. Make a valid point on how this is wrong and I’ll respond to it

Yeah, he’s free to believe whatever nonsense he wants, but I’m not going to worry too much about upsetting him considering his beliefs consist of anyone who doesn’t believe them being damned to eternal torture, and him being seemingly fine with that.

Anyway, I don’t want to get into a protracted religious debate (as valid and meaningful as debating about Santa). Let’s stick to a far more realistic and believable character such as an intergalactic lizard big game hunter.

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Simple…and my previous response highlights it.

They also state in the patch notes and all marketing that it’s Dutch’s pauldron

Finally, again as I’ve said, where you see malfeasance I see incompetence. This wasn’t trying to cash in on the masks, this was literally all they had ready to go so they threw it out to get what they could instead of nothing, but it was still aimed at new players.

They won’t know what Dutches shoulder … MEANS! They’ve never seen it or played the game!!

What I will agree on is incompetence

So…people who have literally been waiting for a steam release wouldn’t follow the game? Wouldn’t see promotions on Dutch being in the game? No one looked at gameplay footage? There’s no possibility they just didn’t have anything so they threw out a “much requested” (I remember people saying it was cool and would be cool as a mask but I wouldn’t call it a popular request) mask they had models for already?

For a fucking year? No. You’re literally grasping at straws here. The people excited about that mask were current players. You know I’m right you just don’t wanna admit it at this point haha ask people on here I admit when I’m wrong. I do it all the time, I’m not wrong here

Maybe there’s like 5 people who didint have the game, saw gameplay and thought the mask on his shoulder was very dope. But that’s the most niche example of all time hahah bordering on hyperbole to even say 5

Okay…so level with me. Look at the history of their DLC releases and the game we play.

What’s a more logical explanation?
They’re literally trying to squeeze every dime they can from the player base because of greed


They fucked up, missed the deadline and threw what they had out there and pushed for more players.

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To that I’d say you’re right! Usually they are late! 100% bro. But here, if that was the case, you’d make 2 separate bundles plain and simple. A day 1 bundle for new players, and a mask bundle for the oldies

If they had something the longer term player base would buy…absolutely.

Think they did?
Maybe it’s just my good nature but I always lean towards incompetence over ill-natured intent. Based on the past year of watching this games development, the position the game is in now vs the playerbases expectations…I’d say the evidence leans that way too

No one is paying money for masks. I don’t buy the Samurai Sword or the Viking Axe or the Hammerhead. I buy the class the comes with it.
They put those masks out for $5.00 I’d fucking laugh at them

We would have bought the masks for 6-7 bucks. But they wanted to sell them for 20 so they paired them up with some other shit as an excuse

Clearly people will! Cause they DID! 😂😂

For 20 dollars!

Some did, yeah. That’s on them. I know people that said they wanted to support the company, some because they just got used to buying the DLC drops they didn’t realize what it was. Some because yeah they couldn’t wait for them to be released because they were impatient. That’s on those people and like I said the day I earn their money for them is the day I’ll tell them how to spend it.
I didn’t spend it that way, I didn’t feel pressed to and I didn’t see the value in it for me. Simple as that

Fair enough

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If they announced the masks and then a week later said the were early access (as opposed to when they were released, as they did) if they charged for Airstrip in the DLC, or if they something to that nature then yes…it was absolutely dirty and aimed to suck money from existing players.
The fact they clearly stated it was early access, dropped it with free content, and did so timed with the Steam release, makes me feel like it was more of a case of drop day coming and them saying “SHIT…we have nothing really ready to offer”

But they still released content geared toward old players. No two ways about it

Give it a rest guys. It’s history …