Bible advice needed 2nd attempt

Depends on your “angle”

Is it a magic angle?
A scientific angle?

How are you approaching this.

Look man, not everything is technology.
I’m sure forces that could only be described like magic exist.

You’re seriously bringing a weak theory and explanation.

I’m poking fun at you, not trying to be a complete dick btw. I just dont agree cause it doesnt really add up with what jesus was preaching.

IF ANYTHING I would believe you if you were talking about like muslims. Because that religion is meant to conquer.
Tell me, if aliens didn’t plan on conquering, and as evident by how shit things are today, they also weren’t trying to help us, what exactly was the point of them doing all that in your theory?

I’m sorry man, but your theory sounds like a bad fan fiction.

I’m loving all these new cards.
We should make a thread fighting it out with these cards.



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You know, there are some people who follow religion properly and are really good people who help others alot. They’re rare but they exist.

Honestly it makes me sad, I’ve seen the good religion could do.
I just wish people didnt twist and warp it so much.

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No it’s not

Don’t be the third idiot I’ve had to deal with today

I was going the say something about the fever…but fuck it i lost interest.

Ok, alien talk. That I like. Keep it coming. The only “aliens” I know are the true angels of the most high and the demons which can lie about being born of righteousness. When Lucifer and his followers got thrown out of heaven not all demonic beings stayed on earth. There’s your physical and spiritual types… Based off what I know about the serpent (Satan) he may be both…
Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come. Now Christ is God in the flesh fully man and fully God. Old Testament prophesied about His coming as the ultimate sacrifice. No more innocent animal’s blood would be required.

I do not believe in God or Lucifer… so why would I care about my end.
When I die I just rot and become dirt… Science… Dirt is forever!!!

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I know… This hole fucking God shit is a joke and Its fun to destroy it with Science saying it cannow do the same shit.

Easy… we were ‘lab rats’ the hole fucking thing was some kid aliens 8th grade science project…

There’s a good chance “Jesus” didn’t even exist, and almost certainly not the one in the gospels that walked city to city, fishing, preaching, turning over tables in the temple, and getting crucified.

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Exactly… Its all a big fat hoax

Its like this… what if we played god with some race but tolled them Umpalumpas are god??
We all know Umpalumpas worked for Willy Wanka… but let leave that part out… Lets see how that world takes that.

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Not if you take it for what it’s supposed to be.

Theres recurring themes in there.

Which is basically, dont be a piece of shit, and help out who you can.
Dont judge, it ain’t your place.

That’s literally all it boils down to.

But people always gotta warp it based off their feelings and other stupid shit.

I dont like fake Christians. There all over. Annoying as hell.
On the flip side tho, atheist are fucking lame as hell too.

Some of the most boring personalities ever.

Theres a few exceptions, but most are fuckin rętards.


Well the reason I care about my end is eternal life in heaven with my creator that chose to give me a body I can move about wherever I choose with my soul and spirit. But Bro, we are to live by the spirit not the flesh or what can be seen or most of the time even felt. That’s real wisdom there that the wise scientists can’t even explain. The whole we need evidence thing is played out man. Bro, I beseech you and anyone that is willing to hear get on your knees (act of worship) make yourself low so He can exalt you in due time. I see through these eyes same as you the devils are slick but not that slick not when you find out the truth. The enemy is defeated he actually lost a long time ago. I’ll tell you this my breth if you feel content with your life without our creator, our father then the devil is happy to keep you there but if you do start seeking Him out for real you’ll see how the enemy will start to act. The demons break character real quick now all they want to do is accuse and point there dirty little fingers at you locking you into shame and defeat. And now the kicker is with His wisdom not of men nothing can hurt you nobody can tell you nothing they can’t change or break you. God knows exactly who you are. His perfect love casts out fear. He loves you perfectly not like any other being. The battle is already won and it’s actually not even our fight. It’s all His. Vengeance is His. (*that’s a big one) I struggled with that one a long time. Don’t find pleasure in death of your neighbor though. Be strong and courageous have I not commanded you? Fear not. Dismay not. Hit the floor people flat out if you want. Pray. Relationship with Him is described as throwing wood on the fire. Keep it burning I’m telling you. Don’t act hastily just seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. While many types of beings can see thoughts the Lord God can see the heart…true intents. I do hope many of you have read this and I was not to deep with it. There is also a verse where it is described to feed non-believers or new believers with milk and the more spiritually advanced with meat.

Will you shut the fuck up… I said time and time again.
The church and God thing is something I fucking hate, so why preach to me your fucking lies & fairy tail BS?

If my neighbor is a shit head and got killed… I will celebrate. One less fucking idiot to deal with

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For someone so religious you were quick to talk mad shit to me. Cant stick to the teachings I see.

Just spiritual. When did I offend?

I see lots of questions here…
obviously saying “God was an alien and Jesus is a tube-baby” sounds nuts,
it’s not the right approach in saying something generally correct, but that still needs to be better specified:

in the Old Testament there are a series of words identified with “God”,
the list is “El”, “Elohim”, “Elyon”, and “Yahweh (Yhwh)”

now, it’s pretty simple
“Elohim” is the plural of “El”,
the “-im” specify it’s a plural (similarly to the “s” in the English language, like “dog” and “dogs”)
and it’s not a plural majestatis because often Elohim it’s followed by a plural verb, and/or it’s in a situation that imply more subjects talking.
Now, the Latin, Greek and Italian (and English) translations, eliminate every instance of plurality, translating the term “Elohim” with “God” or “angels” in relation of the most fitting situation to maintain the illusion of monotheism.

Let’s add to this, a lot of other misinterpretations,
like, for example, the translation of the world “ruach” with “glory”:
the word “glory” indicate something very spiritual, holy and not material,
but the “ruach”, in the said texts, is in fact followed by events of flames, destruction, defined space, or even fucking wheels.

So let’s put our little info together: a group of individuals named Elohim uses vehicles able to emit flames and fly, and has created the human race.

Make a bit more sense than just saying"God is an alien".

Yahweh was one of those Elohim, assigned to lead the Abraham family, as well as other Elohim were assigned to guide others (all “pagan gods” nominated in the Bible).
“Elyon”, translated literally in "the El which is above the others (El + “yon”) was one of the superiors.

That’s it.
If you read the Old Testament changing every “God”, “The Lord” etc with the correct terms in ancient hebrew everything starts to make sense:
there is NO immortal and powerful God in the Bible, there just those guys making war with each others.

Search for Mauro Biglino works for more stuff, I said all I could without being here hours.

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Okay but your still believing in some one’s failed sci-fi book