Bible advice needed 2nd attempt

Not so much the Nazi party… the party thing was fine, what went to far was Adolf’s hate for Jews

I say this only because you can look at Germans who had served for the Father Land and were not bad.

Erwin Rommel for one…

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Oh lol

Uh, no, otherwise I would be classified as insane. Insanity is mental instability, but the definition really is as subjective as the definition of intelligence, or psychopathy. My interperetation of insanity is mental degradation to the point of removal of self-awareness.

Again, we can’t know that. My guess is that a human mind goes through no changes during death, but I could be wrong, just as you could. Only one way to find out, really.

Once more, it’s not so much the brain as the mind. If you believe that changes to the brain will influence how the mind works to such extents (which is reasonable, justifiable and valid - the vast majority of evidence states this is the case) then you might as well believe that death is the end point, and once the body ceases to function, so does the mind. This is all perfectly reasonable to assume given the evidence, but the phenomena of perception and self-awareness cannot thus far be explained solely by biology or psychology, and that is why I choose to believe that there is a ‘soul’ or something in the body. This ‘soul’ would have to be inextricably tied to the mind in order for it to have any relevance to perception and self-awareness, and thus I beleive what I do.

The brain is a soul power limiter to make the flesh function properly.

Its a subjective scale. Like percieved pain you can have a percieved level of detachment. Insane actions typically just have a level of harm involved while also being detached from our percieved reality.

Especially when there’a no solid functional standard to compare it to, like levels of blindness.

idk do you think there’s more suggesting god needs to eat, drink, and sleep or no? I know we like to apply humanity to it but IMO god’s just always existed, like gravity. An exerted force, whatever definition you prefer. If there’s multiple forces, idk. Our perception of matter comes from somewhere. Levels of gravity can change, but that concept is still present.

Everything occurs in cycles.

when you ‘split’ an atom you simply release the energy which binds the particles which form the atom together.

For the sake of argument lets put the notion of infinite time loop aside (which I think is more likely than than our energy state just being destroyed and created at an incalculable random and not recycled in any form)

When you have a thought and it passes do you consider that the destruction of a thought? Is that the beginning and end of it? Where does that go?

All we are aware of is physical molecules but thats not to say there’s nothing outside of our current cycles, that can exist simultaneously outside of our awareness. We can’t even percieve the vastness of space or know if there’s something outside of it, we have a pretty crappy understanding of anything outside counting actually - that includes the human brain and neurology as a science. Even when all we can see is a flame is snuffed out, its really just moved- same for water evaporating. Time itself doesn’t have any mass to it either nor is it an energy.

The same goes for black holes - by the time the matter arrives at the event horizon it is only energy. But yeah only one way to find out fammo.

The brain is still one part of the body we know little about.
The idea of a soul is just that… an idea.
I do how ever believe in ghosts and the stuff of the paranormal…

Okay. At least that could be a thing.

Descartes explains metaphysics better than me.

Something like reality consists of substances: one Divine substance (God); one extended substance (matter); and potentially infinitely many created thinking substances (minds).

There’s some variations of this though like it simply being a single substance as god and the rest is a thinking, feeling extension given shape.


worship @TheSenate instead

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I do believe I’ve heard that theory before, once or twice, and it is certainly interesting. However, on the whole mixing science and religion in any capacity is… difficult, to say the least. I prefer to apply human qualities to God, because it means he’s fallable, selfish and cruel. I’d rather the prospect of a cruel God than an incompetent one.

Well to tell the truth, we aren’t even aware of those without some medium to view them through.

Does this refer to the ‘soul’? If the soul is something which does exist, it would most likely be ineffable as time and space itself. Certainly with none of the technology we have to day, we haven’t picked up any noticeable readouts from any energy-measuring devices that could constitute souls. I agree, it is unlikely that a soul is instantly dissapated upon death, but my point was what if we don’t have a soul? At base value, all the body appears to be is a construct of, as you say, molecules and substances. The brain would be a sort of biological processing unit, giving us the illusion of perception when in reality our every action is determined by a series of complex reactions and chemical chains, kicked off by an electric impulse. If you consider the human mind as resident in the brain, we get none of our information directly - it’s passed to us through a self-purporting biological construct designed simply to exist, and regularly malfunctions in ways that are completely avoidable if we had conscious control. It’s a new layer to biological determinism that, in reality, is what atheists are advocating without even realising it.

I think therefor, I am.
It’s whatever looks out and thinks of itself as “I”.

Consider through dreams we’re capable of experiencing totally hallucinated realities that go away over time. So I know I exist, but I can’t be completely certain physical reality isn’t another one of those illusions, persistent as it is.
As many of us as there are, animals included - life is an incredibly solo experience and there are impassible barriers between individuals. Even conjoined twins are unique. What determines the opinions of molecules in my brain? Quantum factors? Genetic factors? When? What is the nature of self? Why aren’t we robots? What necessitates life anyways and where does it come from?

Then what is individuality, and why? If we were purely physical beings you should expect to see a son’s/daughter’s character and personality closely resemble that of atleast one of their parents and only differ slightly based on the upbringing conditions or social circles. But we find that many people have personalities so different from that of their parents, in some cases their presence makes them uneasy because they are so different and in contrast with each other. Doesn’t follow if bodies are merely genetic physical replicas of another two bodies.

What is Will and why do we exert it at all?

I disagree unless you mean strictly organized religon. Quantum neurobiology has a lot of crazy implications. Knowledge in itself isn’t bad, it’s how you apply it.
Philosophy overlapping with science is valuable.

All more arguments for the ‘biological automaton’ theory… but you raise an interesting point about dreams, and how reality could simply be one. But the thing is, we don’t for a fact know we exist. Really, noone has any idea.

Well, I would disagree with that; when was the last time you saw two identical rocks, trees, or lakes? Also, mixing two things doesn’t nescessarily mean you’re gonna get the simple sum of those two things, unless we’re talking about the mixture of elements (which, really, is a whole different ball game when looking at things on a larger scale).

Again, could be that it’s simply an illusion we feed ourselves with.

Well, unfortunately that’s a little outside my sphere of reference XD
Could you give me a quick rundown of what that entails?

Not talking physical aspects but you don’t see the seeds of a Maple tree turn into an Elm, but that can be the case with personal will. Unless matter itself knows what it wants to be, this determines its shape, and this determines the direction roots grow. What determines physical matter vs living matter?

Microtubials within brain neurons are vibrating at a frequency we don’t know the origin of and that conciousness is subject to quantum entanglement.

So then we get into timeline shenanigans. A particular electron might be here or there at a given moment, quantum mechanics assumes that a coin toss results in both a win and a loss, simultaneously. Same as the psychological concept Schrodinger’s cat. So when beliefs interact, the conflict of conciousness = quantum entanglement in a metaphysical space.

Jesus fucking christ, i should have majored in physics XD
I’d sound way smarter that I do now.

Nothing. They’re exactly the same, built of the same atoms just arranged differently. Biological molecules are still molecules. The whole ‘living matter’ is quite frankly something we just tell ourselves.

Why does one arrangement of molecules form a functional, responsive system and another does not?
Could they have a preference or “Will” for arrangements the same way magnets have polarities?
How does magnetic direction finding in animals work if quantum physics have no bearing on organic systems?
How is experience formed in our material brains (if that’s where it comes from, or if its just always been there) and how is consciousness is born from unconscious materials at all?

Hated physics as a class but I get the concept. A lot of it is due to the way it’s traditionally taught though.
The ability to play a scenario in your mind is like if images of slides projected onto a screen could somehow choose and affect the inner-workings of the projector that generates them in the first place. Insanity.
These are just my shower thoughts while watching people with parkinson’s, dementia, etc do things they must have done 1000 times. Executive functioning vs reflexive is a crazy thing.
How does a buddist monk set himself on fire and not react? With a lose concept of quantum effects on the functioning brain, what are the effects on a dysfunctional brain? How is it people can have false memories of conscious action and why?

If the classical model of the brain is purely physical and the original physical constitution of the brain was wired for say, schizophrenia, and therefore genetically predisposed & physically bound to schizophrenia, where do the degrees of freedom come from that allow for the neuroplasticity in the brain to intentionally try to re-wire itself out of a schizophrenic episode and combat invasive thought?
Same for autism, strokes, the burning monk, etc.
Even our blood has a working memory. Where are we keeping the extra RAM?

Chemical reactions. Just the same as putting iodine in starch makes it go blue-black.

It does tho, seeing as we’re all made out of atoms.

Illusion or, as I stated before as the reason I switched to a belief system, the prescence of a soul.

Nobody knows lol

You speak as a human in a realm full of rules. You don’t know what’s outside the box just yet.

Nobody does, but due to the nature of the mind (provided it is fundamentally seperate from the brain) it’s reasonable to assume that insanity awaits immortality.

The mind and spirit are not the same.

Where does one end and the other begin? Since the mind is, in essence, what makes up someone’s personality, if it’s seperate from the soul then is it really our soul? Or just another identical floaty bit of unconscious celestial energy?

It depends on what you believe.

You believe you have soul, then you don’t.
You believe you do?
Then its whatever you imagine it as.

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