Bomb difusal kit/class

Wow, you hang around elementary schools a little too much bro…

Are you like… registered?

You’re the one who wanted to ask kindergartners in the first place ya dumbfuck lol don’t project on to me.

This guy’s gotta be trolling by now, right?

I rest my case, thanks for playing. Be back in a few more months when difusing still isn’t possible for the casual player 🙃

P r a c t i c e

I offered and you declined, claiming it needed to be nerfed. When it fact it’s never been easier to win a game of match

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Oh, look who’s assuming 🙄

He’s either trolling or dumb or both. At this point it’s better to laugh at the stupidity.

I’d rather laugh at you knuckle heads getting paid to silence my ass 🔕

Welcome back, and here I thought you were gonna leave for a few months.

Why don’t you morons just send homeboy already? Oh wait, he’s in prison… never mind.


Find out bitch.

Aw someone’s angy over a question, how adorable.

Lol, u ain’t seen ‘angy’ yet dawg

It’s definitely him being dumb.

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What is this thread even. If you cant defuse you are simply bad at the game time to move on


Oh damn, well color me scared I’m shaking in my boots at your hidden anger.

Git good

Its ok guys, its not worth getting diddled over a admitted 16yo with anger issues. You tried your best to help, he sucks, let him cry more.

Also, let it be known that I am not super great as FT, but I do play it a lot and I have actually diffused a small number of Preds. Its a pain in the ass at first because of the pressure and all the buttons and shit, but it can be done and better with practice. If you think one of the easiest things in the game needs a nerf, maybe you need to buff yourself.