Basically you’d need to dumb them down to like, play more immersed. (Which is what I want anyways when playing predator) a team that’s not constantly scanning the treeline. To actually hunt a fire team that’s not already aware of your existence lol. So make them have good tracking and accuracy on a grounded target, or a moving target in the trees who has revealed themselves(either by decloaking or attacking) but otherwise make them walk around and do the mission
BOTS? Plz peep
I very much agree actuallllyyy how do u feel about bot pred? You’d only rarely get one cuhz everyone plays pred but
I think it would be iffy
It would be cool but you’d never need one literally ever lol. The FT wait is like 30-40 seconds
Still would rather have a campaign versus just bots if they were to do something like that
Well campaign would just be bots with a storyline. And I don’t think illfonic would put in that much effort. So we are giving them the low ball option here lol
No offense but story sounds boring asf either way like I’d like it but whatch them ruin the lore with that power 😂
And I want multiplayer to be worked on before that idea iz even considered
Dont matter what anyone thinks, for this game they wouldn’t.
The only good they would do, would be if we got a pve co-OP thing where we hunted some large creatures or massive hordes.
So to just add bots so you can fight a bot ft?
Co op campaign or bust
Doesn’t have to be camping really.
Can you imagine an rng hunt?
Like few different targets but the map always changes and whatnot?
While I’d love tho, I dont think ilfonic can pull it off sadly.
The survival mode on avp 2010 was pretty fun
If the levels were bigger and interactive that would be pretty cool
With humans though… IDK
Maybe if it was a battlefield with samurai against vikings
I’m all for bots in this game (provided the AI is decent).
Hahahah you’ve seen the current AI
They can’t do shit
That doesn’t stop them from employing people who can actually program AI, though. I’m not saying it’s likely, but it’s also not impossible.
I would mind bots for curtain situations.
- When a player leaves before the match begins
- When a player leaves before the reinforcement or after
- For when no full team is available
Though the game gets more new players thanks to Fortnite also featuring a Predator. I had so many new FT’s in the last period of time and I enjoy the hunting a lot.
Bots? I wonder if people who ask for bots even play this game… If so you never actually noticed how advanced the AI is in this game? Bots… LOL!
Remember illfonic worked on evolve and the ai was not all that bad ya it should be shelf for now but but it could be something in the future
Nothing to do with AI.
A guy working on the predator model did some outsourced work on Evolve if i’m remembering right (honestly explains the quality of the pred model compared to everything else in the game lol)
Illfonic’s portfolio is funny they have Star Citizen listed there too when all their work was scrapped before it was even released to the public.
Well you would thank that they would do a little outsourcing to help there game
Last I checked they were hiring someone for AI. Take that how you will.
The more FT players more bots and vise verse the less FT players less bots.