Clearly didn’t happen to Mr Black In Predators 😂, also it depends on where it hits and what gun

A. Super

B. That was not a 50. Cal I don’t care what’s official. City goes down in a couple slugs yet berserker is barely touched by a 50. Cal?

And that’s after seeing Falcon get one shot by a slice to the stomach

Also, was Isabelle effected by a paralyzing plants poison while she shot at him. So, she was really hitting a vidal part of the body.

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Do remember it’s an alien species that does have some regenerative capabilities, and is resilient to some guns

They’re still vulnerable though

The first two movies set that up

JH had to retreat after a shot in the foot with one bullet

City hunter was knocked south by some slugs and recoiled when hit with the cryo guns.

They’re fast, they’re strong, they’re smart, but they bleed like the rest of us.

It’s not even consistent within the own movie. Falcon dies to one sword slash where as Berserker is again, barely touched BY A 50. CAL!!!

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Was that not because he knows his blood is stupid visibile?

Im convinced we got a lame bow instead of speargun because devs wanted to be different.
Never getting a pred sniper and if we do itll do 30 damage with a headshot

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You could see his hands shaking as he applied the med kit.

He was in pain.

Ironically in their attempt to be unique, they’re completely unoriginal

wtf lost 20% of my respect if true

Bruh they’re still living beings.

That’s what make predators great.

They’re not born great, they’re made great. Everything you see is a matter of skill.

They kill you because They’re better than you

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So I guess you hate Humans too?

you dont see james bond shaking like a BITCH

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He isn’t human

He’s a love machine

So he doesn’t count

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Actually he was first shot in the knee it was the explosion and a spear that injured his foot

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Alright you were correct

Also sorry @Finessology he wasn’t shaking. I need to rewatch the movie


Lol, you outta date, must rewatch 52 more times

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Ha. True

To be fair, getting sniped from somebody that’s miles away and invisible and doesn’t consume energy is going a bit far for me. Seems like something that would only be suitable for single player.

imagine how cheese it could be when pred has hitscan.