Bring back the fear.

That has nothing to do with the overall post I said he is demanding huge buffs to the predator making him OP as hell. Furthermore. I have yet to see predator put W/L ratings that are bad around here. I still see things like 80%. Hell, if we’re dealing with randoms I’ve seen 99%. I am sure the devs have logs and try to balance around general W/L and not just against premades. But we’ve had this discussion before.

Are some things that need tweaking? Like sniper rifles for PC players? Sure… Giving massive advantages to the predator as the OP states is absurd.

Of course I don’t agree with you when you want to make the predator an OP mess. I can’t wait to have a predator be so OP that he can down people in full view of 4 people as everybody is shooting at him. Now imagine the moment you’re down 1 man, he becomes unkillable! Imagine how this will happen in randoms games, where predators just need to run in and floor the entire team with absolutely no skill needed. Just run in, push 1 button (melee) and win. We had this at start with people did not know how to parry, oh it was so fun! Also, making the elder sword now also as a projectile weapon, oh boy!
Nothing you said there are sensibile changes. Like the roof slam, that is like a hack. The predator slam the roof, I am OUTSIDE the house some 2 meters and I die, Oh how fun that was!

If you’re that good, go run randoms with nothing but a pisto (the first one). There we go, a challenge for you!

How’s this for fear?

Ok so, if pred only uses one button, that’s no skill.
But if ft uses only one button. That’s extremely skillfull huh?

Oh my the biased hypocrisy.

Look it’s ok to disagree, but good God you’re acting like you’re offended.

But ya, you just admitted yourself.
Fps takes no skill cause guess what, In fps you only press one fucking button to shoot.

Ft takes no skill.

If the predator is buffed to the point where berserkers(or other classes) can just run in and floor the entire team with melee, yes, that takes no skill and any noob can do it. This was happening a lot at the start of the game before the zerker nerfs. His post precisely wants to BUFF pred melee(and other thinks, like downs on PC) and give predators so much HP that they can sit there with 4 people coordinating fire into the predator and still down 1 guy. Now imagine with only 3 people. Predators with the current second wind (very fast recharge) can just run in, down 1 guy, claim and leave in second wind. When he is back and you’re with 3 you can’t put enough dps even if all 3 shoot at him before he kills everything. Now explain this to me, try to imagine ANYTHING but 4 PC players premade teams and how in hell are they supposed to win? Its impossible. No point to even QUE unless you do it with 3 other people.

There is no way you can be successful with 1 button as FT. You need range fire, parries, using the knife in close combat and knowing when to pull back and STIM. Predators just jump or run and then smashing 1 button, the melee AND NOTHING ELSE!!! When a predator jumps on you, you need far more then he does to stay alive. This is based on this topics requests, not what’s happening live.

There is no hypocrisy, you just don’t do a good job at reading and thinking about what you read.

Now you revert to FPS taking no skill. The pro players in FPS games that dominate the rest would have quite a few thinks to laugh about. I don’t think I’ve ever played COD in multy, going by you I can just que right now against pro players and perform just as well…

Let the preds fling giant turds like the way monkeys do at the zoo. 100 fear points and you can never mud up because the poo is neon green aswell

With regards to the beserker melee situation at the launch of the game: I don’t really disagree with you. But I would submit that at that point, nobody knew what parry was. Or honestly how to play FT in general. Everyone was potato. I would be very curious to see how that tactic would work now if brought back. I would wager it would be pretty well balanced actually.

You said using only one button takes no skill.
Ft only uses one to attack as well, and that’s all they got.

You get one person who parries, the others just shoot.
So like I said, 1 button.

What skill for fps?
You aim and shoot. That’s all theres to it.
Oh and take cover when you need to.
That is literally it.

Its not like fighting games where you have to avoid combos and pull them off yourself, know how to zone, a bunch of shit.

You make ft sound more complicated than it is.
Engage to kill or push back, heal if you need to.
That’s ALL there is too ft.

It’s annoying how you’re coming at him and me, instead of just saying hey you disagree. Instead you wanna talk to ppl like were fucking stupid. We ain’t.

Something you keep fucking ignoring.
The reason he suggested these changes was because he liked how it was before.

There are quite the number of ppl who want nerfs reverted.

You know the fucking problem isnt even that you disagree this time. It’s how you’re going about it.

You treated and talked to him like hes stupid.
Like wtf is wrong with you?

And then you keep coming at me all aggressive as well.
I’m just matching you’re attitude Xan.

And it is hypocrisy.
You say it takes no ski to only use one button, but the ft is literally all about one button.

To be more specific, 1 button to attack.
Pred wouldnt be able to only use R2, like youre so scared of, because 1 parry and it’s pretty much over.

2 at most of they’re doing nothing else but swinging.

You notice how I told em I disagree without trying to mock or anything?
Why couldn’t you do that eh?

As for the last part, I dont think that it should be pred can tank, more like he has the damage to do so.

Look I’m going to say this and I dont want you to ignore it.

Pred, if they can pull it off, should be able to actively fight the ft head on, not by tanking. But bu being able to dance around and dodge.
Not everyone wants to play a stealth approach because pred stealth sucks.
A pred player should have the option to go full melee if they so desire.
And not so much in the way you’re thinking of.

  1. What makes you think only pc players would win?

You know I don’t understand you at all.
You don’t want the game balaced around high level play, but yet you only ever want to focus on players you think are good, but only on the pred side. You completely Ignore pre mades.

Also you told me you play this casually and dont care about if you’re good or not.
Since you basically dont care if someone is better than you.

Pretty laid Back attitude right?
So why then anytime you see someone suggest something you dont like, mainly when its something just to even out the playing field for pred, you get all rawr rawr rawr?

If you play this so casually, why do you care what happens?
Casual is laid back, just going with the flow.

At this point all I really want weapons and gears to attack multiple ft at once, and stuff to separate the ft.

Preds entire arsenal is too 1v1 focused.
I mean so is ft but they only have one real target to fight.

I know this is a long ass post, but I cant shorten it down anymore. I tried.
Theres even more I wanna say but I’ve rambled enough.

The main problem like I said tho Xan, is not that you disagree, its just how you’re going about it.

