Buff, nerfs and gameplay changes needed (A new players perspective)

Of course you do 😂, I wouldn’t of suggested these ideas without having much game time or experiences, I play recon mainly on Fireteam to give myself a challenge and to think more carefully about situations at hand, I play Beserker and Scout for the same reasons as playing Recon. To assume someone is bad because they haven’t had much time is acceptable but at the same time you don’t actually know.

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You are in the game 5 days. You think assault is the best class. You say its harder to win on ft when that is 10000% false they hold the game within their hands. You are noob and are scared to admit it

I edited my comment 😂, don’t be so mad, you might crap yourself from the stress.

Also you posted a screen shot of your trophy list. You Have enough of the game done by the the time you rwch lvl 50 that you would have more than 34% done in this game lol. So again I doubt that you are 133.

Also recon is the meta class. That class is the best class in the game. And if you think its a challenge to have 125 hp then you must truly suck at this game since 98% of the preds weapons and range play are easy to aviod. Recon can also out run most pred players when they push. I am a sweaty recon main myself so i know. Lol

I’m not a trophy hunter, I play the game how I play it, from what I’ve seen on the forum is everyone complaining about this or that, mine are suggestions which would improve gameplay for each side, to say fireteam have the game in their hands is false, if you can’t hunt the Fireteam well, going for max xp, or getting yourself in situations which get you into 2nd wind, it shows that you wouldn’t even rank high enough within the Yautja. And I’m not saying Fireteam has to be ridiculously op either, we all want an experience like the first movie, tense, exciting, a good ol’ 1v1, some people who come to play have only ever watched the movies, just because a person has ideals from the comics etc. doesn’t make their points any more valid than the others, this is a PvP game, not a one sided victory lap of 3 minutes, oh and I stopped playing COD after Advanced Warfare. So I suggest getting yourself ground level before being an asshat to everyone, good day.

Ft definitely holds the game in there hands lol idk what you are on about. I can see the pred coming before he even engages and lets not even start on the amount of noise it makes when moving. Like my astro headset pick up him stomping 100 meters away. The ft holds this game i their hands if they are bad players they will lose if they are even slightly coordinated they will Destroy every pred they face this is not my opinion this is a fact that has been discussed mutiple times in the forums. And who said anything about trophy hunting all the bronze trophies are easy to get and are all basically win a match as ft, kill the pred. Shoot of its mask. Stuff like that. You get 50% of this trophies by just playing the game. You saying that the ft is underpowered shows that you are casual as fuck at this game and need help to play. So Git Gud

@Fire @Lazycollinator @VENN7eance @SammyToeJr @Slasher_Clone @MassImpact124 can you believe this kid he is saying that ft dont hold this game in their hands.

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Are you speaking about the game as it is now in this reply, or as it would be should your buffs/nerfs be implemented?

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He dont know lol.

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Give the guy a break. Suggestions don’t need to be viciously attacked. Try responding with facts and reason instead of venom.

Some of your ideas intrigue James Cameron.


Bruh he was just giving feedback to make the game better what’s so bad about that? Plus why don’t you try fighting the predator while being recon. I play along side rr19. I hate to say but this he gave a genuine answer to such a stupid statement. I mean I don’t know what else to tell you, but of course you wouldn’t believe that his in lvl 133 but sadly you think you’re better than anyone else. Whatever got you this upset you need to learn to chill damn, getting upset because someone just giving feedback just shows what a lame of a person you are. Whatever you reply with just shows you can’t take critique, good day.

The game dosent need to be better it needs to be fixed. The bugs need to be ironed out then we can talk about new mechanics. Cool he is 133 but dose not mean that ft dose not hold the game in there hands. If you two are playing together you should be slapping preds not needing to make them even more trash

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At this point I just dont get how theirs people who like playing ft so much.

I keep saying it but no one believes me.
Those who prefer ft want to balance this shit as a 1v1 not a 1v4.

I thought this list was pretty ridiculous. I just didnt see the point in responding.

Like limit leaping to once every 10 seconds?
Sure, should we add a bend over emote for pred as well?

But ya all I really hear from a lot of these heavy ft focus players is that they want to just be able to 1v1 the pred.
They always say, oh pred should require a lot of skill. You cant play stupid. Blah blah blah.

But you tell em that they got to work together and they get all touchy and offended.

Cause you know, god forbid ft require any effort right? Lol.

Then I get bitched at for calling them out on wanting to make this a 1v1 balance, cause how dare I think that the 4 ppl should have to work together and not be able to single handedly kill a pred.

Blah. I’m fkn rambling here, but i see so many ppl bitch and request and shit being all over the place, and it’s annoying.

A lot of full pred mains are annoying.
So are ft mains.

That’s it.
Its official.
We need a new race.
Bring in the xenomorphs.

And give them acid that melts weapons and limbs.

Lol. XD

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We ain’t making them trash that’s the thing. The predator is so overpowered, it has way too many nets, It does way too much damage for what it is, and the way it can claim you is way too fast and it needs to be fixed.

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Because all the ft players want every game to end with them dying or pred dying.

“One shall stand. One shall fall”

Believe it or not that is chill for him. And as someone who’s been playing since launch, me and him, I gotta say I agree with what hes said.

Sure hes kind of an angry asshole. But actually read what hes said.

I wanna end it with me fkn my female pred.
Make hot alien sex. Not war.


Oh god why

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