Buff, nerfs and gameplay changes needed (A new players perspective)

So I’ve had the game for 5 days now, I’ve had fun as both Predator and Fireteam but there’s a lot of matches where it hasn’t been that fun, mostly as Fireteam. Both sides should be challenging to play, and classes other than assault and hunter should reap more benefits of playing a certain playstyle. These are just my views from playing both sides.

Fireteam specific changes and additions:

  • Knifes needs to be nerfed slightly
  • Adding melee weapons such as Katana, Machete etc.
  • 7EN needs to only have 10x scope
  • Supressors need to show an indication of how much damage you are losing on weapons.
  • New throwables such as Tomahawk, Knives etc.
  • New classes, such as Medic, Hunter, OWLF agents

Predator specific changes and additions:

  • Nets need a longer reload animation to stop players from spamming it.
  • Plasma casters need to do more damage to the Predator when it fires it too close to itself.
  • Leaps need to be limited to 1 per 10 seconds, to prevent those players who like to leap with the bow and during second wind.
  • Claiming shouldn’t be allowed when 2 or more members of the Fireteam are closeby (2m radius), protects both the predator player from getting knife spammed, and stops those short matches.
  • Plasma needs a larger AOE to flush the people who hide inside buildings.
  • Slamming shouldn’t damage Fireteam inside buildings.
  • Beserker needs second wind removed but replaced with a rage buff, where it doesn’t take damage for a short duration and its speed is increased, flash effect would be removed.
  • Scout needs have its damage reduced in close range but increased the further it is away, second wind removed for a short invunerability timer where the scout gains an aimbot but it’s damage is reduced.
  • New classes such as a beast tamer (it has the alien wolf creatures from Predators) and weapons are definently needed such as a ground net (lays on the ground and when Fireteam step on it they will be trapped in the air).

Gameplay changes:

  • New maps are needed (I know some are coming)
  • Random spawns
  • 2 V 8 mode or 3 V 9
  • Add a higher rarity tier field locker
  • Hit boxes on the environment need to be adjusted to the size and shape of the structures.

Leaps need to be limited to 1 per 10 seconds, to prevent those players who like to leap with the bow and during second wind.

Yes. but class specific. The play styles of each predator class are very unique, some overpowering some not.

New throwables such as Tomahawk, Knives etc.

Absolutely, but i think we need a new class for this idea. Tomahawks and throwing knifes or machetes are very much for an AWOL soldier. I like that idea. “Warrior” class.
But i don’t think the game is there yet to include such a unique class.

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No for most.

Knife damage is fine, if your getting knifed get out of there.

Knives are fine melee for the FT. Machetes make sense, maybe, definitely not a katana.

7EN is fine with other scopes. User preference.

I agree, should see damage difference on suppressors.

No to throwables. That’s ridiculous.

Yes new FT classes.

Net is fine.

PC is fine (although I honestly thing a full charge should go back to one hit down)

Limiting leaps would guarantee dead preds every match. It’s the only real advantage to getting in and out of engagement.

Leave claims the way they are. Just be more conscious of your time and position.

Plasma AOE is fine. That’s what slam is for.

Slam was nerfed through walls and ceilings, working as intended to harrass campers.

Zerker and Scout…meh…I’ll spend some time thinking about that.

No more pred classes for a little while. We’re very predator heavy right now. Give FT some love.

Welcome to the game and the forum

I think you play the game more than 5 days…anyway not for most.

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You’re going to get alot of bias opinions with this. Let me clarify:
Pred mains will say:
New Pred weapon, slams, armour, perks: YES
New perk for FT: …no just NO!

I’ll leave this here 😀


Yeah I know, same thing happens with all these 1v4 games, some are just ‘mains’ of one side which give too many biased opinions which lead to a very unbalanced game.

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since your new maybe give these a read i don’t have time right now to respond to all of the things rn

I’m used to these sort of games, didn’t take me long to learn the mechanics and such, I’ve already read what you have said before buying the game, it’s ok advice but I have my own ways of playing the game which are effective.

So I disagree with the limited leaps. It would lead to dead preds all day. When I play pred I choose scout for the mobility and if the leaps were reduced to 1 every ten seconds the scout would be obsolete and there would be no point to play scout due to his small health. him having a large amount of stamina is to make up for his small health. This is coming from a player that plays both sides


Decent ideas except for leaping and claiming and removal of second wind. Those ideas you will come to realize are terrible, youngblood.


Suppressors is 10%, knife is fine, no to one scope
Hell no to no second wind that’s just silliness some of the rest maybe but just we need less bugs new maps without exploits that need fixing and as far as 2vX let’s get less frame rate drops first

One thing I would like to see changed is the reinforcements radio not showing up until reinforcements are needed had pred mains cry about it so much that we already got to wait longer to call it and wait longer for them to actually show up as to where the pred got his leap added to second wind making his “revive” easier


I’m going to agree with those who have suggested you get a bit more game time.
I don’t agree with all of your ideas, however I’m going to thank you for putting in the effort to mention them.

I think some of your points are good, and you share view points that have expressed by others on the forums.

I recommend you spend some time looking through older posts, especially in the Feedback section.

Also need to give you respect for being upfront about your minimal game time. The fact that you’ve come up with some ideas that clearly have some thought and creativity behind them is great. I look forward to seeing more of your ideas as your play time increases.

Welcome to the community.

Hey @XViper, don’t you mean…

Welcome to the hunting ground.

My thoughts aren’t to dissimilar, a few more weeks will give a better perspective. I do think our new member is astute though.

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Fuck out of here with all that bs. You are too new to be on hear asking for all these things or that you even have a grasp on the game. Lol get to 150 first then start talking

No need to be a dick mate. They weren’t demands, they were suggestions.
Who the f*ck died and made you king?

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Lol leap slam through the buildings I guess it good you wernt here when the slam through buIldings would do 110 damage lol. The 15 damage is nothing lol.

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Lol. King? Nah he is too new to even be thinking he is good at the game as ft. He is just mad cause he is trash and needs to Git Gud

None of these asinine ideas are good. Throwables? Wtf is that going to do to the Pred? Lol nothing they would just bounce off. Machete and katana. Never seen Soldiers carry those around in the field. The bolt needs to be limited to only 10x aka he is trash and gets sniped multiple times. Zerker needs no 2nd wind. So basically he will go into rage 1st encounter and die beforw the animation of “rage” is finished. The claiming shit is basically he is not good enough to be near his team cause he wants to be Rambo and try to kill the pred nah that a hard pass. Net hun needs a reload animation and even tho the net gun has multiple barrels to shoot from. His leap shit is basically him saying he is trash and cant shoot a pred that is leaping or keep track of the straight path the leap takes to punish the pred when it lands lol. All his ideas are Cod and other Fps games related. He is trash and needs to be called out on it

Also not your mate we won the war in 1776 months to not use the queens bs vocabulary