Bug List 09/01/2020 V2.02

aim assist is built into every PS4 first and third person shooter. (most have an option to disable it, this game doesnt)

I have no aim assist. I have been using the bow since I unlocked it and have never been assisted.

Yeah my game definitely does NOT have an aim-assist of any kind. I’ve played games that do like GTAOnline that have snap-lock on targeting assistance. This game does not have anything like that. Is aiming easier because of more forgiving hit/hurt boxes? Hell yeah, lol. But it’s not aiming or locking on FOR me so I don’t see this as cheating or exploiting. If people on PC are using third-party aim bots or some other hack? Yeah that needs to be addressed but that’s a PC problem not game balance problem.

-1 currency locking loadouts
-equipping elite skin weapons returns all load-outs to default
-log-outs after 3 or 4 games mid game
-people still getting kicked out of game before match begins

it may seem like hacks? But mouse is way better for snap shooting and if you are a fps veteran on PC you just cant compete with PC

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Well yeah that’s what I figured personally but I was commenting on @splifftor’s reply about the game having a built in auto-aim function that you can’t switch off. I was just saying I’m not great at FPS so if he’s right, mine is somehow NOT turned on, lol.

Yah the melee tracking sucks… unless you bow combi them… usually i swing twice and jump out

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i hit 150
-unlocks are elder predator/ elder predator predlocks/ elder predator skin/ elder predator class

Predator Melee locks onto a target, and follows it. PC.

Ah, MELEE targeting lock gotcha, thanks. Makes ALOT more sense now, sorry.


I threw my combistick through the chest of a fireteam member and the spear kept flying into a tree, i could not retrieve the combistick because it stopped right in the center of the tree trunk. I must throw really hard.

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Ive sent mine off the map throwing at a fireteam on a roof. That was… upsetting…

Lol u forgot to include the connection to host lost error
Becoz of this stupid error i am not able to play the game at all

don’t forget this one

Invisible weapons!

The biggest thing is getting randomly signed out, it seems almost 2 hours it will sign out…not sure if it’s sever stability or what but It makes me stop playing for the rest of the day.

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no I didnt. It’s like 3rd from bottom. But I will reword it.

@kameofWar Ill try and recreate it.

Yep. It’s been happening to us PC players for several weeks now. Still no fix in sight.

I had never encountered any of these issues before patch 1.09 and i have had the game since release.