System Specs:
Intel I7-9700k OC to 4.6Ghz
TUF Z390M-Pro Gaming
GTX 1080Ti
16GB Ram
When reloading the S-R3D you lose 3 rounds
Dutch VO says predator queues when marking items.
- Marking veritanium “watch for the shimmer” or “the cloak isn’t perfect.”
Aim assist needs to be reworked on predator. In the middle of the fireteam and the aim assist kept me going after the player outside of the range of attack even though I was looking at a closer threat.
- Follow up 06/18/2020 : Lock happens when you down the player, and will keep camera focus on the downed fireteam.
- Follow up 07/09/2020 : Lock seems to be slightly reworked, not as much head snapping when trying to exit combat, however the camera will stay locked on the player if attacked with wrist blades.
Losing connection from game randomly. Unsure how to recreate.
- possibly due to a timer issue when waiting for matches causes you to log out.
- unsure why player is unable to log back in after the D/C, requires a hard reset of game.
Frozen animation : Attempted to claim an NPC target, and got frozen in place with “press RMB for slam” dialog.
- I’m unsure on how I managed to get this bug to proc.
Arrows fall through terrain becoming irretrievable: specifically the loading platform on Derail.
- As far as I can tell it happens when you down a fireteam member on a raised platform.
- Related issue - arrows (and apparently combi stick) can be lodged in unreachable locations preventing retrieval.
- Happens on sloped ground as well
According to KameofWar: medkit on predator gets stuck in hand when slipping from a surface while using the item. medkit’s animation is cancel’d due to forced movement outside of the players control. Unable to recreate.
Fireteam able to get into an area that Predator cannot access.
If a fireteam quits the game mid long kill animation a claim skull will appear over the body of the player that quit. Graphical bug only, does not allow second claim.
Graphical Bugs from thread body [Bug List 09/01/2020 V2.02]
Pigs not spawning at all. Infrequent and on all maps.
- unsure if this is caused by the speed that the fire team moves through and area, have had a few matches where pigs never spawn even after engaging through two second winds.
Save Game corruption causing game to crash at main menu.
- unsure why this happened.
- fix: navigate to %LOCALAPPDATA%\SpaceFish\Saved\SaveGames\ and delete the folder.
- unsure why this happened.