Bug List Video for v2.22

Nope. And yeah, I’ve never gotten the sound bug but Rey does constantly. I think some bugs are platform specific maybe. I get the slam and ADS bugs a ton.

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Katana is broken, two hits on Recon with OWLF training and you’re downed.


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Since this post has gotten attention, mind if I Derail just so this can get some eyes on it? I assume it’s already been looked at by OKH and QA, but it doesn’t hurt to be sure.

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Since the last patch, i’ve experienced situations of buttons not workong at all or with a huge lag. To the point i don’t even care what i’m doing in the map.
In your situation maybe it was lag. Like you hit the heal button before 2nd wind and it went through after 2nd wind…

Nah it was second wind then boom instant heal. Never pressed circle because FT was still there. Didn’t even get to jump away.

What i meant is maybe you pressed circle before 2nd wind to crouch or something and it only went through after 2nd making you heal…

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Oh gotcha. Maybe I honestly don’t know

You should probably fire QA at this point. Or, at least put some of the community on the payroll.

Just had that reinforcement bug but I pulled through in the end.

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I did too. Ha. Solo escape. Stressful.

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I was playing Isabelle with a Sniper too, like how did I win.

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Ha. I don’t know. I just rewatched the footage. I was Isabelle too. I probably had thick skin and double time, so I just kept mudded up, finished the mission, and avoided confrontation.

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maybe someday

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Yes. It shall be in Bugs and Glitches Part 2.

I didn’t even include any of the Field Locker bugs.

I just realized I forgot to include the hiding spots under the buildings at Backwater. Oops.

Let’s see what they leave unfixed for the next hotfix.

Like canceling animations for 170+ dmg in less than a sec isn’t enough. lol

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