Camping needs to stop

There needs to be some implemented to make the campers to move.

I say if you are not actively doing the mission ai nades shouldn’t just be chucked into the room constantly till you either die or move on from camping! Uggh


They just need to provide Predator with the tools

Gas grenade comes to mind


That too. I have an idea. Smart disc on return can cut through objects like wooden buildings and fences and such. Lol

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Where Is this happening?

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Where what? Im confused. Anywhere a mellon men is seen

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I’d suggest. If FT team is camping in the building where there’s no mission for longer than 3 minutes, they should get like 30 sec countdown to continiue with their mission or the Pred gets auto win.

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I like the auto win. I think each building spews deadly gas if you camp for mre than 3 mins and all doors close

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No I’m being serious.
I havent played cause I hear it keeps crashing so I’m taking a break but I mean like where specifically?

Like with pc splash it cant be that bad can it?

Idk I’ve kind of always like fighting campers, and trying to figure out how to kill them.

However I do agree we need more tech and gear to deal with more situations like this one.


So a few buildings are caster spam proof while still being kill boxes for the pred.

Backwater Radar camp the large building in the center.

Derailed: is stargazer big building but that hs angles for the pc if you know them.

Overgrowth. Construction camp. Big building in the back is caster proof of you stand on the inside near the table. The walls and computers behind you absorb the pc splash so you dont gwt any good hits. Still hs good angles but is a kill box.

I kinda wanna play against these teams but I dont want to load in and then just have a crash lol.

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John-Wick and a few other on my list have been playing for a few hours and have not had an issues so hopefully it was Sony’s fault

Guess il play after this smite match.

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Let us know there bud

I guess I can’t fucking escape it.
My match of smite was going good then boom crash and fuckin now theres an update.


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Update on smite? Or Pred?

Like life’s just fucking with me at this point.
Good match, good well, it crashes, theres an update and its doing the really slow copying thing

It’s patch day today for Smite, I believe.

I like hide and seek because there’s no stress of them rushing the mission. And I feel like they earned it if some solo recon gets a crazy hit in while hes stealthed in the jungle.

It’s buildings that are lame, castering the corner of a building while they try to tunnel you into view of the doorway is boring. And the ones that just sit at the map boundary of backwater to keep pigs from spawning where theres no cover for pred while they throw medkits around are just miserable FTs though.


Teleport them out the building after 2 minutes and spawn them individually in each corner of the map.
Or send them to a COD gulag

Solved. /s


I think they should be forced out of the building at least. By something