Can we agree that PS plus shouldn't exist

We shouldn’t have to pay for multiplayer on console

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pay for the service like PS PLus? or pay for multiplayer online games in general-however major or minor the multiplayer part is which can vary per game?

If you mean the first part, i agree, the online service should be free and the match making parts to allow for the base play of multiplaying. But anything like aesthetics and fun stuff should be either free or payed for.

I can see it happening for PS, and epic already does this. It all depends on what part of the business theyve invested in already. Such that Epic basically helped fashion the gaming engines developers use.
Playstation however have different priorities (that of offering movies,tvshows,and possibly comics).
All of that could possibly help make it free in the future so long as people flock to watching stuff online especially right now. and the critics stop messing around by being to pushy or bullying.

That one

I dont even know anymore.

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Also some one compared PS plus to electricity for a T.V lol

I mean ideally yeah.
As to why we get charged who knows.

Greed obviously, but its be nice if they use it to give us better servers.
Some games are like wtf.

Meh haven’t had to physically pay for ps plus in a long time. Sony rewards credit card, owned by visa and backed by wells fargo. I use this card to get gas and the occasional Sony purchase. I get enough reward points every 6 months to get 2 years of ps plus.

Also if you take advantage of sales sony puts out. Like the big one in July you can get a year sub for 9.99. So if you are complaining about a service that protects you amd helps protect others than idk what to tell you

Ya but we shouldn’t have to. Imagine getting a free game every 6 month instead of maintaining PS plus.

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All I have to do is put gas in my car to get a years worth of ps plus. Also you get 28 games a year for free, sure some are shitty but some are gems

So with my rewards points. A year of ps plus is 500 points. You get roughly a 2 points per dollar on notmal purchase. I boight my ps5 from sony direct and used the card and got 5 million points because it was a Sony product and I bought from Sony directly. I now can get 10,000 years of ps plus all because i am a rewards member.

nd what about people who don’t even know about that service? Or those who can’t or don’t want a PS5 yet? What about the fact that you could be buying games instead of PS plus if you wanted? What about the fact that we shouldn’t have to in the first place and that they’re just locking off content that we already paid for so now we have to pay twice for the same thing we bought?

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No one buys it for the games

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I will not argue about that fact. And I will most likely not use my points on all ps plus cause I really want a second controller without paying and maybe spiderman. They both a million points tho.

And for the not knowing about the reward program thats on you for not signing up for emails from sony on the playstation when u set it up. Idk man to each there own. Sure its a shitty business practices but it helps protect players from certain players that like to grief amd such.

Idk man its shitth

It’s on me for not knowing about a system that allows me to bypass a system they set up to make me pay for a service I shouldn’t have to pay for? Really it’s the consumers fault that I have to pay for a game I already bought?

How. What does sony do for me?

Read the terms of service.

Read the term of service…

Read the term of service for what?

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I’m not reading the term of service for the playstation for a point your making (that I’m not even garunteed to find since I need to find what your talking about without knowing what it is) but refuse to tell me and tell me to search it up…

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The ps plus membership protects you from being griefed since you can report said person. Also allows for auto restoration of lost games if u get a bricked console. Ps plus grants you acces to the cloud. You are not just paying for use pf sony servers