Can we agree that PS plus shouldn't exist

Given how much hacking I saw on ps3 compared to ps4, I think it is doing something, however servers for some games could better.

As long as they fkn make the servers run better and stay on top of hackers, then good.

Also, you get to upload your save data on to the cloud, that’s not really a standard feature anywhere.

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Look. I hate Sony as much as the next person. But bud, you have to realize they can’t give out a free service they clearly need to support. You want to know why Sony got hacked all the time? It’s because their server security was atrocious and they needed funds to support that service (not only their data servers, but everything else Sony related) so that includes their PS service and when PlayStation had that hack a few years ago that acquired people’s information and all that data breach is something that made them realize that a free service wasn’t working for them. Sure it may of worked years ago (kinda) but we live in a world now where security is the upmost importance to anything and anyone and with hacking and security breaches becoming more and more commonplace and sophisticated we need that security in place. Trust me I want free stuff the same as anyone. But I also want security in my services

Yea you are absolutely right. Cloud in itself Is something that you are paying for appropriately

And Cloud wasn’t even a thing 6 years ago for gaming

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Just because there’s something not standard tied in with a standard feature doesn’t make it okay to charge.

Servers are entirely dependent on the company. Not sony.

As to hackers that’s just on the game files being hard to edit.


That’s Sony’s fault, and they shouldn’t be paying it by locking features that I already payed for. It to mention how does Steam and Epic handle their profiles? It’s not like it’s impossible.

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I still don’t understand why you think it’s not a service, or that you think you’re paying for nothing . Because that isn’t how it works. You are paying for more than what you simply claim (multiplayer) so I don’t get why you think the complete opposite.

Steam and epic also have their very own servers and security (just like everyone else) that they use different methods to support it

Plus @Fire made a great point. Cloud alone is something that isn’t cheap to store or use on Sony’s end, for anyone really

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Its not right to put a base service behind the paywall, even if it comes with other services. Especially when PS plus can still exist woth those features.


Not to mention they still make you pay for peer to peer games

What If they put single player behind it would that be fine? Same thing

@Eshtion. Youve yet to explain what exactly it is you want.
It’s not ok to charge for an extra feature?

So then If I get a double cheeseburger if I want bacon it should be for free then?

Your beef with this goes further then the simple info you’ve Put out here.
I dont give a fuck who it’s on. If I’m paying for it, then they better fucking stay on top of hackers less we go back to ps3 where there was a 50% chance of getting a hacker on certain games.

I saw them quite often.
In many games.

Yeah sure, I’d like to not have to pat for ps plus to play online.
But if they’re going to charge then at least let everything be smooth.

And if sony isnt doing the servers, why are they charging?

Like I said before, greed is s the obvious answer, but I have seen slight improvements.
Like enough to be like ok fuck it whatever.

But you bring this up and you’re arguing with other people, not me cause I dont give a fuck too much here I ain’t fighting ya on this.
I will fight you on how you love feild medic but thats something else xD.

But seriously.
As short as possible, what is it that you want here?

I’m sure we all want free multiplayer.
Are you saying though we should get more stuff paying for ps plus?

Like just tell me what you want.

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I’m not sure what you’re trying to say bud, but your argument isn’t really valid. Can you tell me exactly how Sony should fund and support their service? How financial profit or gain should be used in a world renown company or business? How we (the consumers) should pay or support the different business models that obviously aren’t for every other company? Different businesses will not always carry the same policies in their money making model that others do. Please tell us how a company whose been doing this alot longer than any of us on this forum should handle their business model? Because trust me , I really hate Sony and their questionable decision making but this is one thing they’ve whole heartedly improved in over the years and quite frankly we should be thankful for it

Idk maybe we should get like a free gift card each month for random restaurants every month.
I’d be happy with that xD.


Or just maybe, like free internet? That would be great!

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See you’re being sarcastic, I’m being serious.
As long as I’ve had ps plus sony showing me love with food would let me know I’m a valued customer. XD

Yes I have I shouldn’t be charged to play multiplayer, I don’t care about anything else PS has, I shouldn’t be charged to play a game I already bought.

No it’s just straight up wrong.

I also like to have discussions

Servers are on the company though not sony

PS plus just stop locking the multiplayer content. You still get discounts, free games, and cloud storage.

Just because they’ve at it longer than us they get to decide what they can and cannot sell? What if they decided to charge to play single player too? What about EA and their practices? We just supposed to accept them?

So if sony isnt in charged of the servers why are charging for online?

If they’re charging for multiplayer they should be on top of it.

Yea I was just playing around. Lol
You seriously want gift cards from PlayStation? I mean it’s an idea for sure.
Me being serious here but maybe some challenges governed by Sony that if you complete them you get points towards redeeming some stuff like games and contest entries AND gift cards lol and even money to use towards the PlayStation store?

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A. You still have to play for peer to peer base games. DBD used to be like that.

B. How does cross play work, if it allows me to play on PC servers why can’t I just enjoy free servers.

C. Even if they did why isn’t the company, the one In charge of the game, paying for it.

Sony actually do have game data servers. They kinda have to, for cloud?
Edit: also they would need them to secure all your information that you put into their service. Like your payment information and data collection, you’re account details. All that fun stuff

Talking game servers not info servers.