Can we get an option that allows to get full randoms?

I agree they need to keep it one unique class per person in game… like dude… i dont even care at this point for longer matchmaking… this is needed for a balance… i gave up when i saw 2 recond 2 dutches or 2 recond 1 dutch 1 support… and like u may think its fine but its not… dude 2 sniper rifles and like grenade launcher and support using minigun and smg… just like what… why…

this isnt evolve… where the monster is completely op… evolve is a massive hit box and requires you to level up… completely different game and shouldn’t even be used as an example.

its the predator weapons just don’t compete against click and pt laser guns. I play FT a lot if not more than pred… losing a game is FT is really hard

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Monster isnt op at stage 1 or stage 2… and its a perfectly good example of a needing skill to kill the monster, like for example wrath stage 1 was basically so underpowered and at stage 2 its balanced out… and at stage 3 wrath needs to be taken cautiosly… and by that i mean if it literally mains you, you need hella good team work to survive… and like… person needs to juke the monster for others to respawn… and u can also easily kill monster at stage 3 lol… depends on which monster it is

Yeah, it’s tough. I had a match yesterday against 3 recons and 1 support and it was insane. For some reason, recons have enough speed to chase the predator across the map. I couldn’t even heal in peace.

Exactly what Coffe2go said, the monster in Evolve was not OP at all. If the hunters worked together they could kill the monster with ease.

yeah… well we will see in next few months… they dont need to buff crazy even anymore… just tiny bit more value changing and its good… and adding Unique class per team in game is perfect… and if u die and get respawned u lose 20% of your full health same in evolve… literally fair play seriously… i dont care its needed lol…

Someone else mentioned that losing 20% of your health after getting reinforced wouldn’t be fair in this game because some classes already have very little health.

I think scout should lose like 5% lol or 10%

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they all have 140 min. Its so ez to win with FT… even a class specific nerf would help a lot. I like to play FT… but it feels to ez

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I stopped fireteam cause i figured out that the potential it has only ONE class has a really good potential to be able to ruin preds day… if properly played… i can take your mask off if i see you once and then i dont lose track until you come for me and down me or go fight us in melee. but you end up losing if you do that as i can parry 24,/7… the pistol so far is the only weapon that can threaten me only… if i try to plasma me from cannon i can take your mask off which is game over then for you… and thats only ONE GUY on team…

a lmg can bust it of to pretty fast

Ok but Evolve was balanced around 4 players hunting the solo player as their sole objective, which is a lot of the reason why the playerbase tanked hard. People like to pretend they had super fond memories of that game but it really just boiled down to hide and seek being chased around for 10 mins and losing if you got caught early which was a horrible terrible design decision & was why everyone quit. There were more issues with the core gameplay loop than the DLC.

No one wants to play the monster if the 4 man is the power role. It’s like being a rank 1 killer in DBD and having to deal with pallet loopers shining flashlights in your eyes.
Had humans been the objective heavy role Evolve would still be alive, they fucked up but now every asyim learned from it and gives the 4 man squad the objectives.

Am i missing smth here? More and more players decide to hunt the predator… including myself…? How is that not evolve alike experience? Like literally i stopped just cause of that honestly, im waiting until they can eliminate people being able to hunt predator instead of predator hunting them, its simple as that… I just dont see this game as a game its supposed to be honestly, thats literally me speaking rn and most people here will agree with me with some exceptions @Finessology

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Oh and if they wont be making the maps bigger and objectives longer then i dont see why wont this option be good for the game? I will literally come back if this exists

Unless they make maps bigger and better objectives and gameplay more fluent and immersive

Full randoms would not stop them from hunting you, just prevents people from playing w/ friends. Everyone gits gud at fireteam eventually and pushing the pred is the outcome.

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I mean i know i dont really mind the challenge like i swear i love it when i have some upper hand againts not a full fireteam team or if i catch them off guard… I love a challenge but a challenge that is 98% impossible unless i go againts full pc team its game over lol unless i get to somehow outplay them by them just at that point taking my mask off… i tryhard and begin to sweat and at the end of the day i look back and i am like… Ok why did i sweat so much for a game that should give me satisfactions of ripping spines and seeeing gore… u feel me @Finessology

Im just saying that random PS players are much more balanced out than pre made PS or even PC players… random PC players are like above avg pre made PS players… so yeah do the math… i can lose the mask somewhere around where they used their reinforcements which is fine but i also get pushed to try hard :/

Current issue is that objectives are just another win condition if the match doesn’t come to its arena shootery conclusion on its own. They’re just fetch quests that don’t affect the map or gameplay in any meaningful way really & are largely disconnected from the rest of the game. Just “things to do incase the preds not here.” In reality theres no reason not to just run down the pred you have 15 minutes and its not like objectives have timers or fail conditions or optional routes. There’s a lot of potential here and its wasted.

Yeah its obvious people get good at some point… this means my theory will get finally proven that fireteam has hidden potential if played right and working together even slightly… even if 2 people land their shots with heavy weapons such as sniper the predator will struggle and tend to plasma blast or melee rush as zerk… which is not fun