Can we get an option that allows to get full randoms?

Yeah the issue here is… the actual main objective is so easy that they can literally speedrun is under 5 min, current fastest match ive seen them going againts me was 3:42 min… and that is my friend what you call a deal breaker or mood breaker… literally i come back home first match of the day i try to relax but end up try harding and losing my will instantly… now yeah explain me that lol… they speedrun and their second win as you mention is killing me yeah i agree that should be a possibility BUT a really hard one… cause the way i see it the main objective has to be as hard as you have predator killing option and predator has to be atleast 0.5x times harder than it is right now, ATLEAST… max i think it should be 1.5x times what it is now but then we would get into the lvl of actual Evolve Stage 3 monster lmao… but yeah hope u get what i am saying @Finessology

I disagree with what you said about Evolve, I’ve faced some tough teams and won as the monster. It’s not game over if you get caught at stage 1, you can still evade the team until you reach stage 2. The biggest reason the game tanked is because the devs were too greedy and wanted people to pay for extra content.

Once you reach stage 2, the monster becomes the power role. You don’t even need to reach stage 3 to win. This game is different as the predator doesn’t have to level up or anything throughout the match.

Yeah, individual fireteam players shouldn’t be powerful enough to win a 1v1 against a Predator. What’s the point of having a team if you can just beat the predator on your own.

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Yeah lets be honest here the Evolve was the best asymmetrical game out there in entire world, the reason it died was cause devs got greedy…

Stage 1 was literally debatable but you could have lost if i domed him in closed space with no manuver ability…

Stage 2 was literally like balanced out to the hunters

Stage 3 was in favor of monster but if a hunter team was damn good the hunters can drain his Health…

But let me tell you what people wont tell you… cause they probably had 500 hours… I had 4k hours as support… the game did not rely on out of the box gun damage… if you worked as a team the damage was gonna be huge but not that huge you could kill off stage 1 monster instantly… he still had above 20% of his Hp or more… due to dome falling apart… Stage 2 was literally all about strategy and pure skill… STAGE 3 was pure skill and u needed luck on your side…

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In evolve if you tried to go againts fking monster on 1v1 u would get pounced and killed xD… like come on dude… really… here if u go againts 1v1 pred… u can literally either put him in second wind or close and end up wasting his med kit or make him run away and let them speedrun objectives… This is not a good game design… it really is not…

Im not saying i was a pro lvl where i would play tournaments in evolve but i was damn good at every class, the game was as close as it would get to perfection, when i was young i came home from school and just play the shit out of it and forget to do my homework cause it was that good xD… while with pred i am like oh yeah well i guess that was sweaty time to make dinner i guess

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Yeah, Evolve was awesome. I have so many fond memories of that game. This game has a lot of potential though and it may become as good as Evolve in the future.

Lol yeah, you can’t 1v1 the monster in Evolve.

I didn’t play in the tournaments either but I won a lot of matches as the monster. I beat a bunch of good teams in Ranked mode as the Wraith.

Yeah those who cried wrath was op… it was really just 50 50 honestly… it highly depends whos controlling wrath and what build you went for… yeh maybe some perks were too much but dude the game was gold… literally had no problem when playing or even loosing… i never raged or got anxious… infact i got pumped with positive adrenalin and hoped to outplay the monster…

I always felt as a true hunter and acted like one… made bunch of friends in evolve… fking society back then was so much nicer… so good…

Wraith might’ve been OP initially but the devs fixed it so that it was more balanced. Yeah, I never really encountered too many toxic people in that game. Even when I beat a good team, they didn’t say anything toxic.

I don’t know why so many angry people play this game though lol.

One word for it… S O C I E T Y

People gone too soft and sensitive… they got blind and follow trends to ruin their lifes and end up getting old and realising their mistakes and being depressed…

And people mostly coming from most toxic games, Dbd, Ft13…

I have overall 8 hours in DBD… game was fun first few times as they chased u and u screamed with your friends… but then its like… wait why am i even playing if people tryhard and rely on perks rather skill…

i kept getting found first even if i crouched and slow walked avoided crows… And i usually lasted longer if i hid in the closet

Dead by daylight the most unbalanced game i ever played… and that is right there my opinion on what unbalance is… relying on perks that can be stacked and just going ham… wtf is that shit xD…

I feel like pred devs wanted to remake evolve in predator concept but failed cause they followed current society biases

I don’t think it’s about people being soft lol. This movie franchise just attracts the wrong kind of people. Someone made a post about this before.

I’ve never played DBD but I’ve seen youtubers play and the game seems okay.

The devs were definitely inspired by Evolve when they made this game.

Btw i snooped a bit and illfonic helped making evolve…

Yeah idk what to say about it all… i hope illfonic realises people in current world are just weird and soft sensitive and wanting BR mode… or idfk…

IF they saw why evolve failed cause it was a big drama about it and a lot of people were dissapointed fully… ILLFONIC must deff step up their game

I think the game could benefit from a 2v10 mode or any other kind of game mode. Hopefully Illfonic adds some new content soon.

Probably altho 3 v 10 would be better cuz u know u either saw 1 pred hunting or it hunt in group of 3s xD… but yeah idk as long as they add smth interesting and make gameplay smooth im gonna come back to grind it

This post is pretty dumb. The random fireteam members are garbage as hell. Only a true bum would like to play against low iq players.
Everybody who doesn’t have the mental capacity to be competitive use words like tryhard, but this isnt a hard game its 30 dollars for a reason. Learn or fail. We need rank so the random fireteam queuing up can find people on their level so they can play more difficult predators.
I was literally playing 3 man fireteams all day yesterday because its always one person who quits, not moving, or dying within 30 secs of the match starting.

The game tanked in a few months before devs even started dropping dlc’s. Balancing was fucked due to the core gameplay loop. It was hide and seek tag but everyone seems to have memory hole’d that bit. A good team could roll a stage 3 monster but they still tried to push it as some hyper competitive e-sport. There’s a reason no other asyim has given all the objectives to the solo role since.

Evolve was a lot more balanced than this game though. It was a lot more than just hide and seek lol.

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Dude i had 4k hours man, come on its not really just hide and seek lol… the monster had an objective and so did hunters… hunters had two actually… to defend relay point and kill monster before it reaches stage 3…

Monster had an option to kill them or just get stage 3 and get relay…