Cant play at all

(On PS4) I get past the log in screen but then cant press Quick play, private match, or tutorial. Even “create party” is faded out and won’t let me do that either :( it did this yesterday too but I figured it’d be fixed by now but guess not

Could it be something with your router blocking it? Can you play other games online?

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It sounds as if you are in offline mode? Do you have psplus? Does your router have custom firewalls setup? If you have plus and psn is connected and working ? Could be something with the router , if it was me thats where I would start

Yup my other games worked just fine, and Yes I have PS Plus. This game worked just fine before but ever since those server problems popped up I haven’t been able to play

I know its a meme at this point , but maybe try deleting the game data? Or save data? Not sure which they usually recommend . If all else fails maybe a complete uninstall? Maybe the latest update corrupted?

i have deleted game data and save data and reinstalled the game and i also still have this issue

The same thing happened to me I had to re-link my epic account because for whatever reason it lost it? But I did the code on the phone again and linked back up and everything worked fine now. Hope that’s your issue as well. Easy fix

Did you get it working mate

Its connection issue is your level -1?

Is the issue persisting?

Above someone mentioned about re-linking your epic games account and that seems to have worked

i also faced same problem, unable to select quick play/private match & tutorial… i hope developer can fix this ASAP…

If you haven’t tried what the previous user mentioned, let me clear with QA and see if we can track this issue.

Following up @ryzal: Take a video using the PS4 capture functionality, upload it, and send me a link. The team has some ideas but they want to see this. Then try the steps other users have recommended.

I try first then i will let you know the result.thanks

I’m having the same issue on PS5 as well.
I can select the other menu options, but I can’t select anything related to actually playing; private matches, tutorial, matchmaking are all unable to be selected.

Re-link your epic games buddy

Have a peek into this post:

And furthermore note, that indeed, deleting said data disconnected me from EPIC too (as can be read in the posts before that)…
