Certain PC players are lucky that voice chat is not monitored

You’ve disproven nothing.

If you don’t like what the person on the mic is saying, just mute them lol. I’ve had so many people talk shit to me and I just laughed it off because I know that most of these clowns would never talk shit to people in real life.

Ya that’s fair enough.
The only reason I said anything is cause it sounded like you knew it was ppl who have problems and dont really know what they’re doing.

I’m the same way In the sense that I dont starting shit and usually try to De escalate any situation.
Cause if I do fight I’m aiming to kill.

I dont take that lightly.
Unless it’s like a professional fight or sparring, fights to me aren’t something just to mess around with.

Obviously I’d rather not.

Luckily I dont run into too many assholes lol.


Same here. Real life violence is awful.


Yeah all I can say is people will be dicks. If you’re offended/annoyed/ don’t want to deal with peoples shit on a game then just mute them.

Can’t we all just get along???


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I’ve been a pacifist for the latter half of my life and gotten my ass kicked (especially in this last year) too much for someone who is 6’5” and built like a Mack truck.

Now IDGAF if you’re an 80lbs old lady - if you start a fight with me I’m breaking a bottle over your head and probably going to bite.


For using ranged weapons I’ve been called a pussy and a bitch so I know how you feel


Think of game chat as like going to Vegas, you can be literally anyone. And that’s what you see online in gaming communities. Just people pretending to be in Vegas haha 🤣


is a game not a dick. don’t take it so hard

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tenor (7)

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The OP is the type of player I would ban first, people who swear and talk nasty stuff I would just mute.

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Its not exclusive to PC. I had ps4 players insulting me for doing things like using netgun or throwing the spear lol. I just ignore, if someone makes too much noise I can just mute anyway.

Ha the slippery slope of Blizzard handing out account bans for “GGEZ.”
You can make absolutely anything offensive. People just end up trying to police the newest invented phrases because someone refuses to use the mute button.

It’s not your safe space OP. Either ignore it or clap back.

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Little white kids using the n word and hood slang is some of the most wholesome entertainment to ever come from game chat🤣

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People would’ve never survived in the days of MW2 lobbies.


Fun times being called every racial slur in existence or hearing somebody moan loud as hell into their shitty mics lol.

You definitely know that one of your online friends you enjoy playing with likes bullying. Just teach him how to behave.