Change 2nd wind..

This is a multiplayer game, you are aware that FT players don’t need Pred players right. That there is no game without them.

You get mad when people don’t listen to your points but your points never seem to include anyone’s feelings but your own.

a Predator game by nature doesn’t need FT

A pvp game does need two teams but this is a
p,p,p,p v p v e game so the FT already has the advantage with numbers alone.

This argument can go on and on and on, it is pointless to fight with people who just want another beat up the Big Bad game. Predator fans want a game that you play as the Predator and kill stuff and collect trophies, not a game of cat and mouse where the Predator is clearly the mouse. These game play mechanics have me hit and run and hit and run and hit and run and heal, hit and run and hit and run and hit and run and heal. It gets boring after so much of the same shit over and over and over again.

There are other Predator games but they’re all older. I’m sorry but for this game you do need FT (at least currently).

You don’t like parry or that they can fight back, but you need them or your que is infinite. So maybe stop being so stuck on one point, try learning the strategies that work. You have to earn stomping on people who have weapons and can fight back, there’s Nothing more Predator than that.

If you like the way Friday or Dbd play, play those for that feeling, play this game for the opportunity to be a Pred or hell try FT.

(Ironically Dbd could still probably licence Predator, Fox is quite busy with the property at the moment. There’s a VR game in the works.)

I am not saying that I have issues playing the game as is, it is just this game is not what it could be if they actually followed Predator lore.

The biggest complaint i have about 2nd wind is if you are close to going into second wind and go to leap, then mid leap go into 2nd wind, the game immediately puts you in a kneeling configuration and drops you straight down even though your mid arc of your leap physics just go out the window and you go straight down in a kneeling position till you hit ground which is usually right in the open from the fireteam rather than the safe spot you were trying to leap to… its just stupid when you see it happen…

You may be in to something here, the fact is because of 2nd wind or like 3 or 4 revives for FT this makes for a hyper aggressive play style from the fire team, hence the PC death squads and hyper aggressive players hunting the Predator. If illfonic increased the overall HP of Predator and FT say maybe triple the amount but remove 2nd wind and revives that would make for more cautious game play.

Or maybe even like an increased difficulty mode that enables this that players can vote on in the lobby before the game starts.
@Courier @OldKingHamlet could you guys please consider this.

How about making second wind an ability that can be swapped for something else? Or make downed states unique to certain classes.
Heavens forbid classes have different playstyles & all not get a mandatory emergency health bar. And if preds actually played uniquely different from eachother people’s heads might explode.

Please don’t mess with Hunt mode, Second wind in fine.

Second wind is mostly fine. Only thing wrong with it is the glowing

The glow was decreased already, if they got rid of it entirely, I’d like the blood to be a bit more prevalent.
(They decreased the blood trail too)

If they got rid of the glow they could also change to where downed ft members don’t have an icon and u gotta remember where they were

I agree that it needs a rework but it needs to get away from dbd and f13. This game cant ever be like them because as ft you can fight back.

This is a multiplayer game. While i agree that it would make people play less dumb, it also would make games even faster than they already are. Both second wind and being downed need to be kept.

Reinforcements on the other hand. I think the game could do without (which would achieve a similar effect and significantly benefit queue times). But i would only do it in the way of a new rework

well if you re-read my whole statement i mentioned to counter your concern they increase the HP 3 fold for both fire team and Pred so as to make sure no one instantly dies, im sure there are other ways to balance it but i dont feel like wasting the mental energy to brainstorm that.

Lol yeah because having to shoot each other a million times is gonna be fun for anyone.

Nah. Thats hard artificial time extending. Not the good kind either.

well then perhaps you can be so kind as to come up with a solution and share your idea with the developers.

Oh boy. You didnt just say that @Slasher_Clone did he just say that?

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