isnt illfonic looking to hire new team members, perhaps you should apply.
Change 2nd wind..
Haha fuck man i wish. But tbh im sure sony has illfonic by the balls and thats why the game is chugging at the speed it is. Im not about that life. Aint worth the effort if im neudered the whole time.
Dude, don’t start the apocalypse so lightly.
IDK look at all the time you spent creating these reworks and guides, only to limit yourself and share on a forum that is mostly ungrateful children, imagine what you could have achieved with all that time and effort pursuing your goal, at least email the rework to their emails 1,000 times until they respond and acknowledge they have read it.
Im a simple guy with simple tastes, i see powder keg ready to go Boom, i strike a match
Well we’re all waiting patiently for Lazy’s next reworking, but we want him to write it sans the funk he’s currently in.
Try not to strike that match till we see the new mode and he’s properly motivated.
(No offence intended Lazy, your still my favourite author.)
V has come to