Change available secondaries

Literally every DLC or big update they’ve added has had to make them rework shit later down the line, that’s how active game updates work.

This is because the SAWZ50 is, has been for a long time, too strong. Nerf this one weapon, and it will greatly increase the incentive to choose other mixes.

Also, shotguns could use another buff to their range, the zr55 should get slight ranged damage buff, and under barrel grenades should be reduced to 4 max ammo.

under barrel grenades are honestly trash. only thing that makes them strong is the unleashed specialization, still, rocket launcher is better for that. And if you are running an assault rifle, you are far better off running assault+deadly. I just wish they had the option to use an under barrel shotgun.

Shotguns to me, need a very heavy buff, right now they are far from useful. I’m starting to use it on my qr-4 meme build just because.

all weapons should be free to use any combo. I wanna go full boom boom and use the rocket launcher with the grenade launcher

No they have not haha but ok

Small tweaks to like valks health? Sure. DOUBLE everyone’s HP hahaha yeah try again

I don’t think the Saw-z is too strong on itself. Is slow and has low ammo. The problem comes when more than one person in the team has it.

The fix may not be that easy to implement, but if weapons were class locked and you would have class locks on a match (where classes could not be repeated) then it would make for more interesting matches.

then again… 4 rocket launchers is just too fun and I don’t want that to go away, lol

They’re not gonna remove specs they spent half a year implementing for both sides, get real and suck it up.


I strongly disagree. Unleashed with Hammerhead is brutal. You pop the Launcher and immediately follow up with bullets. It simply shreds, even if the predator leaps away immediately.

I wish the game would have gone in nerfing everyone’s damage instead of increasing it to be a one shot thing, but oh well… it is what it is.

When it comes to one shot thing, even me as a shitty pred managed to basically win against my russian friends. That much damage is broken.

expect plasma and disk to be nerfed in the next patch.

I don’t mind any FT weapons nerfs. They all deal way too much damage, even the QR-4 with son low damage is good because of it’s airsoft gun recoil

Not slow enough and probably has twice the ammo it should, compared to the other sniper rifles.

that is if you manage to land the grenade. That’s lethal against a standing still pred but then again, anything is lethal against those.

maybe I haven’t spend enough time learning the landing curve of that nade launcher.

The issue is you Nerf something and the usual suspects, who aren’t any good at the game to begin with but hey ho, will go “Oh you’re giving too much power to the other side” if you simply buff both sides instead then basically no one is gonna complain because technically no one is losing anything, things are just getting better across the board. Nerfing damage carries the same effect as buffing health, but buffing health is way better for PR and won’t be as negatively received as “Oh, these weapons do less now/this option isn’t a thing, etc”

You basically have to stand still to use every ranged weapon and to quick claim.

that’s what I meant. Nerfing everybody so it doesn’t become a 2 second melt for the pred and a 1 shot for FT

Bro I’m not even out here crying about it. Relax hoss. I’m saying it would be for the better. Nothing wrong with stating the obvious. Also, you are asking to basically double health… and missions get done in 3 minutes already wonder how fast they’ll get done now lol

If I’m using a sniper against the Predator, and an appropriate damage build for it, I’m most certainly not using an smg. I’m pulling out the 1911 and melting his face off while he tries fruitlessly slashing at me. I’d argue he has a better chance of downing me if I’m using an smg, in all honesty.

There is more than enough health in this arcadey ass game.

Medkits, syringes, huge downed hp pool, pred damage ridiculously kneecapped even against the lowest hp classes w/ headshots, reinforces replenishing gear, melee combos are already an actual meme mechanic + single target damage, ammo crates, second wind, pigs, gearbox/large pouch perks, stupid stat adjustment perks that shouldn’t exist like downrange impen and bane, specs like field medic its insane.

There is nothing satisfying about micromanaging the opposing teams heals it creates the most artifical bullet sponge experience possible is akin to hook farming in DBD. Every game is the same because you aren’t fighting players half the time you are fighting their artifically increased health bar that’s just there because devs couldn’t figure out a better way to pad out the timer in their weak gameplay loop besides making players farm eachothers health and gear items this is basically halfway to a hero shooter.

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They could increase the health and adjust damage properties and remove all the arcade style stuff and make the Predator more stealth based. Give certain situations where you can stealth kill, besides what’s already there, obviously.

Otherwise, it’s not changing. I couldn’t see any other way for them to do it. I think they need to adjust the match length. These matches are too short. Give the fireteam more missions and give the Predator a mission at the beginning to acquire all his gear (that doesn’t come standard with every Predator) and I think we’ll be good to go.

One thing that will help the lifespan of the game is adding more modes. And more Predators. Come on, illfonic. Almost everyone I’ve talked to has expressed an interest in things like the Serpent Predator, AvP Predators and JH. You’re missing out on a lot of fucking money. It’s ludicrous, the potential this game has and it’s just sitting here wasting away.

Stealth kills are uncancellable suicide long claims and neither make any sense to actually use because great game design. FT has absolutely 0 reason to split up ever so its pointless even if implemented unless we get solo style last-man-standing or duo oriented classes & spread out objectives but people would complain because doing anything other than running around in groups of four even with a dps boost is too difficult for casuls. Pred is balanced to have two people shooting at him tops otherwise his health bar just explodes before he can react if three very bored CS streamers are sniping him in the middle of his very predictable leap arc.

Increasing health just means more chopper speedruns because its just a race between potential healing and how long it takes to do a couple objectives and a pointless optional if you want to flex.

Objectives need to effect the flow of the game but they’re just tacked on speedrun nonsense and just adding more water samples to fetch isn’t going to do anything for replayability long term besides make everything even more tedious.

So I give up on Hunt and the AIs terrible. Agree though more modes, less AI please thanks.

And I want a toxic toxic solo oriented class that goes halfway across the map to snipe and stealth and extracts solo as a passive ability while everyone complains.
Just turn it into a hero shooter we’re halfway there anyways. Rainbow Six Seige overtime standoffs with Predator in it would give me a reason to stay and spectate rather than assume everyone dies because theres just two randos left. Last man standing had potential to be a good idea. Illfonic gets a participation trophy.

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