Change available secondaries


How come you can say things and everyone just agrees. I say more health means more chopper speed runs and everyone loses there minds lol


You have to really beat them over the head from all angles. Especially with there being two sides to this game.

otherwise its like DBD where all survivors die on the hill of infinite loops being fun, fair, and interactive simply because its what they’re used to and they don’t want anything to change even if somethings objectively trash as long as they’re “good at it” and don’t want it potentially replaced.


Well said hahah

the problems with pred weapons is they take way to long to do dmg… or they are bugged the fuck out

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Or you know, the issue isn’t that Pred is underpowered or FT is overpowered or anything of the sort: the issue is that some people take one hard loss, one match where they get absolutely shit-stomped and instead of thinking about how they can improve their game-plan they go “Well this mechanic fucked me over, this mission is busted, etc, etc”. Hard Work & Dedication will always overcome a statistical advantage. If you actually get motivated and find flaws in your own gameplay, then you beat those who have made you lose matches.

FT being able to spot you for upwards of 11 seconds is not a busted mechanic because it specifically requires them to be playing Recon, a class with default 125 HP, and running with the Tracker Perk which takes up a whopping 6 points. They are literally Glass Cannons, many attacks in the game right now have the potential to take them to HP levels of around 10-25 or even outright one-shot them like say Elder Stalkers & Ghost Valks/Samurais. And just because the FT knows where you are doesn’t mean they’re always gonna hit you, especially if you know how to move and take advantage of the environment.

Stealth Kills aren’t suicide, they are only suicide if you make them. If you’re initiating a Stealth Kill in the middle of the full pack you weren’t going to get much further to begin with. SKs exist entirely to flex on the FT, you can only achieve them if you’ve downed a FT player twice and they’re at low health. And in matches against good FTs you ain’t gonna be giving them the chance to get revived twice if you yourself are any good. SKs work best when you can bait them into it, try and make them go for the Knife/Parry, hit 'em with the Netgun or leap over their heads and keep 'em confused. Make 'em go for a revive on their team mate who is downed and hit the Stealth Kill whilst they’re doing the Revive.

If you want a Solo Based FT class you just simply don’t understand the design ethos of this game, let alone the Genre it inhabits. The Team-Based side SHOULD always hold the numerical & statistical advantage when grouped up and working as a team. The moment one guys goes off on his own or gets separated, they’re effectively screwed. Asking for them to turn this into a Hero Shooter has to be one of the most ludicrous suggestions on the face of the planet when from day 1 this has been a 3rd Person Action Game/Team-Based FPS Asym. You are asking for it to not only change its entire game design, but the entire genre of which it exists in. Basically an entirely new game. No one in their right mind is going to listen to that, go and ask Hamlet or Courier or whoever and get laughed at.

The balance in this game is generally really healthy right now, the best it has probably been at for a good 6 months. Before the 1 Year Anniversary, some shit was rough. FT was too powerful for their own good, they held too many advantages. The playing field is way more level now. The only issue we’re facing is the META has shifted to High Damage Builds across the board. One-Hit Downs for Preds and 2 Second TTKs for the Fireteam. Both sides Damage has become way too high in several builds, all of which are really common at the moment as well. High Reward, Low Risk across the Board generally. This is why survivability needs to be pumped up, why both sides could do with HP boosts in general.

The issues people here are complaining about right now are not ones that stem from the core game design, they stem from personal issues of a lack of ability to adapt, train & overcome and quite frankly its embarrassing. Nobody’s win rate is going to be perfect. It shouldn’t be perfect. If you never lose a match, that’s bad game design: there’s no challenge and something is clearly broken. Even the best of the best are gonna have fuck ups, they’re gonna have matches where someone catches them off guard and pulls the rug out from under their feet. And the best thing to do in those scenarios is not immediately come to the Forums and say “Oh so and so is a broken mechanic, you can’t fight this, this is suicide and this needs to be removed”. It’s to learn why the opponent beat you, what they did right and how you can improve.

I may not play the Fireteam much. I generally dislike it. I’m here for the Preds, always have been. But I generally have a lot more respect for the Fireteam Mains in this fanbase because they don’t come & create 20 posts every other day about why “This one Pred kicked my ass, remove so & so, change this” you get a few like that, but the overwhelming majority of this place is other Pred Mains saying “The game is completely one-sided and in favour of FT because really well made Premades have kicked my ass”. It’s stupid. If a Premade kicks your ass, you just accept the Loss and try to learn from it. Even before the 1 year Anniversary update where FT legitimately were stronger, with enough work & time you could still beat the vast majority of FTs a good 80-85% of the time by actually adjusting your builds, gameplay and just keeping at it. And roughly 85% is a pretty good winrate to have in any game, let alone an Asymm.

So no the FT does not have broken mechanics, the Pred does not have Suicidal Moves. Everything has an application and a time to use them. And the situation can vary depending on the match & the opposition. That’s just how it be. The only issue present right now is both sides can die way too fast & kill way too fast for a game built around 15 minute, in truth 17 minute, match times. So buff the Health of both sides.

cause you have no idea how good the preds were in the first 6 months. the
they lowered pred hp
they lowered pred ttk
they lowered pred headshot dmg
they lowered all pred weapon dmg
they buffed FT hp
they buffed FT ttk
they gave FT abilities to revive on knockdown
they gave ft abilites to spot pred all over the map
throw in graphic settings and filters and the pred doesnt stand a chance

you really need to stfu

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I have plenty of an idea. I was there. Hell I was there before the “beginning” with the Betas. Had the Midnight Launch and everything. Got to Level 100 in just 2 weeks, would’a been 1 had I more time to myself at that point.

So how about instead of saying “Oh you don’t know” to a man who has been here the same amount of time as the vast majority of this place, you realize some don’t have issues with balance because we can accept hard & brutal losses from time to time and strive to better ourselves. How about instead of constantly complaining about balance and blaming others like Jelou for your own losses, you take the time for some introspection.

Because I’ll tell you clear as day what your issue with the game is Yup. You get your ass kicked and you don’t like that others don’t. You blame Jelou for your own losses, you sent me off to fight Mojo thinking I’d get my ass kicked and then changed goal posts when I came back with compliments & a good match from him & his team who liked me & fighting me. I don’t like your attitude, I think it reeks of the stereotypical loser who wants everything handed to them on a silver platter instead of working for it and has never heard the word “No” in their life.

So sit down, shut up about the balance and maybe spend some more times in the “lab” trying to figure out your own shortcomings instead of on the Forums crying & picking fights with everyone who tells ya shit ain’t that bad or that you need to work on your own gameplay. I’ve been plenty humble with @JelouGaming & @Mr_Mojo_Rising who are both perfectly good & reasonable people and actually talented at this game even if Jelou himself won’t admit it. I respect them. But you…

I’ll tell you straight up. You come into my Jungle, and I’ll kick your ass two ways to Friday and then we’ll see which side has the “broken bullshit”. Understood? Now go work on that gameplay or touch grass.

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ill tell you straight up… ill never see you cause were in different zones and second ill snipe ur ass before you even come with in 200m

I didn’t win the match with Mojo, but I didn’t die and I even landed a kill and had his team actually concentrated & on the ropes for a back & forth which is more than you ever, foolishly, expected. And on top of that he and his crew went on to compliment me as the best PS4 Pred they ever seen. Now I don’t care much for such meaningless titles over a video game of all things, but I’m willing to bet that’s more grace than what anyone has ever given you.

if your just jumping around and doing nothing… .and u diddnt die then u fucking were just sitting back letting them win… its either you die or they die… there is no well i didnt die… anyone can pop shots off every now and then and survive a game… but if you want to win your risks are gonan be high. weather you die or dont you lose either way.

Nah it’s 100% that’s the plasma is on par and everything else is not. Like bow is good, disc is good. Everything else needs a rework

Oh that is foolish. I have fought plenty of Americans in my time as Pred. Region is no object, the game will match anyone up. And I only had 200Ping because I wasn’t host, they offered to let me Host but I said no because I didn’t much care. Next time I will take Host with 'en though because yeah, some shit got rough and Pred is at a bigger disadvantage with bad ping than FT.

So don’t sit there and think region matchmaking will save you. Because I can very easily run into you through Quick Play and if that happens, and you dodge… well ain’t that good video content to share.

dont let me even talk about predator class balance. viable predators vs premades hunter, and valknerie, maybe alpha… the rest can be thrown in trash… they nerfed perks to hard.

I survived vs the same squads… its easy to survive… is it easy to engage nope…is ttk to fast on FT yup. I paly both sides… i literally 1 sec second winded a scout with rocket launcher and 1911. 1700 dmg and pred was dead in mere seconds

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Yeah don’t even talk to him. His reading comprehension and ability to form coherent sentences doesn’t exist! So don’t even try it!

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ya it will be great… worse part is dont get solod by me… make a fool out of u. And if im pred and your FT… your dead. I solod vagerssa twice no premade… come at bro

The last person who challenged me to a 1v1 died in 15 seconds and dealt only 32 damage. And that was after asking for a 2v1 with his 11 year old kid who he proceeded to blame the first loss on despite that kid putting up more of a fight than he ever did. Try me.

and if you go off healing like an ass clown… cause that happens all the time 5 heals later memes already. Out of all this I am telling you FT is op cause i play both sides…hell its more op since the ft hp buffs… before the hp buffs things were balanced… now its out of control. If you play scout a lot you’ll be good as scout used to people not hitting u… ill spot you were ever you jump and shoot you like a clay pigeon.

In all honesty man, running into one good ft player in quick play matches and killing him is nothing to brag about. You have to take into consideration that he has to protect his potato teammates, kill AI, do mission, fight off the pred, etc…

I’ve lost to a few people in the forum when I play solo in pubs, run into me with a full team and it’s a different story.