
ROFL :))

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the cheats people talk about here do not exist. a simple google search can confirm that (which is where I got the information I posted here)

Once I also took the time to google a little and FOUND a cheat - by the way, I think, I posted this in another thread concerned with this topic.

But, may I say, that the statement “what I cannot find with google does not exist” is a little questionable… :)

is very simple my friend. The average player (PC or PS) either never sees the pred or they miss their shots. They got that damage after I second winded the pred SOLO, because I was afk for a minute and the Pred engaged on my as I was alone. He returned, I killed it and the damage they did was almost all when the pred was downed.

I’ve played with PC players that do 0 damage and I’ve played with PS players that do 4,000 damage. It really doesn’t matter the patform or if you use controller or M&K. If you are good you are good.

Granted, M&K provide a range of motion impossible to achieve with a controller, like 180 degrees quick movement

burden of proof my friend.

If I state that unicorns exist and you cannot prove they do not exist, do they exist or not?

My link to:

@Illfonic: The Summary of MY Impressions - Feedback - Predator: Hunting Grounds

is not thought as a degradation of your performance or even as an accusation.

I am just interested in the answer to the experiences I describe in said thread. And from a statistically point of view, it might be interesting, if PC players do more damage in general.

That’s all. No harm meant.

That’s right. I would never state, that unicorns do not exist. I just would state, that I never saw one and that I find it not very probable, that they exist.

But unicorns and cheats are two different things. That cheats exist, in general, is already well proven.

It is very unlikely, that NO cheats exist for PHG. Not more, not less…

By the way, you constantly seem to ignore the evidence… Or let’s call it very plausible signs…

There obviously is a cracked version out there. That is enough evidence if you ask me, right :)

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Unicorns are animals. Animals exist. Therefore unicorns could exist.

See ???

What evidence can you show that is not anecdotal?

Yes, that is, what I said. Although one does not need the “are animals” hint for that. Things you do not know anything about might exist.

That is why in science you just talk about probabilities. Nearly nothing is impossible.

A statement alike “does not exist” is questionable.

Jelou, whom should the audience trust more? Someone who had to admit that he USED software to cheat or someone who just states, cheating is possible?

neither, nobody should take anything as a fact unless proven. is that simple

Read my sentence again, please…

read my answer

There is a difference between admitting something and admitting something because you were caught

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Thanks for helping me explain Jelou the severe logical error in his answer - I had already given up…

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Yeah i dont blame you , at least he didn’t go the lance Armstrong route and say he done it because everybody else does too 😁

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By the way, there is a nice riddle, which goes so:

Someone claims to have prove that no statement is true…

I’ve never been this confused since I read the script for true lies


I’m off for now, CU