
I am off for my bathtub now… After that, I’ll write you down some “breaking news” about these differences… :))

Those games were rigged to prove that 3 ps players could win against any pred. It was all bs.

They wanted to prove to the devs that the ft was way too op so they rigged those games.

You mean to tell me that Thunderwolf, the best pred could not win against ps ft? That’s a joke.

XIM adapters emulate controllers despite native KBM not being supported. Ask anyone who’s ever played seige on console. Native mouse is disabled on games for a reason.
Fortnite’s terrible about it and even though they added native kbm to put kbm players against kbm people still use their XIMs so its read as a controller and they instead get matched against controller players for the input advantage.

A mouse is an advantage over a controller without generous aim assist period. Seige has no aim assist so its the most obvious example of high ranked players using XIM adapters and just flickshotting everyone and it looks nothing like PS4 gameplay at all where they’re limited by stick deadzones and janky axis handling.
The best controller in the world and you’re still just scrolling a distance between two points, not pointing and clicking with wrist/arm movement like a mouse which is much twitchier and responsive to tiny movements and corrections.

Lol if anyone remembers that counter strike PS3 port, enough said. Everyone should know by now a mouse is objectively more precise than control sticks much like we know using the touchpad and trying to look around by scrolling your fingers is a worse input than a mouse. And a controllers rotational controls are better for platformers than linear WASD. It’s really not some mystery.

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Very well said!

Why is that a joke? Its a game and not every player plays alike , there is always a bigger fish in the pond mate


No, I did not want to say that. I am sorry, I am suffering from a bad headache today, so my texts might lack of some precision today. I hope the comparison between formula one and horse race and the belonging table has cleared that up.

By the way, I did not know, that Thunderwolf is the best predator out there? Are we talking about the very same Thunderwolf, who lost the very first match against the THREE-men-FT of DovahkiinJr ?

Hmmm, if so, then Dova and his mates might even be able to win against him, if they are FOUR…

Dova and his team also won against Dentedesabre, who seems to belong into the top tier PC league. Although it was quite close. But the reason, why he lost, might even be related to those different strategics/tactics. One has to be used to play against top tier PS4s…

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Cause they cant accept that pc can lose to console lol.
They consider themselves to be these almighty superior beings, but are scared to play on console.

Wanna claim best yet wont try to prove it xD.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read

Yeah man surely I play on PC because I’m scared, not because I don’t own a ps4, nah, that’s crazy man, every pc player surely is a cheater and scared of me, the almighty salty ps4 player

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Oh so I see why the spin is your name you like to spin what other people say huh?

Do you even know what in referring too or you just wanna talk shit when you’re not involved?

I’m one of the mother fuckers who says not every pc players is a cheater so you dont even know shit.
Fuck off lmao

The “Let the Games Begin” challenge was open - everybody could have assigned. All PC players, who were willing to compete - and they were given the advantages of their PCs - were beat by Dova and his mates. Where were you then? Hiding…?


Unaware of it because I barely spend time in this toxic cesspool of a forum, then I come here once and see that M&K are considered “cheating” lmfao

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Forum ain’t bad, it’s funny cause those who cry toxic are usually the toxic ones themselves.

You proved that starting shit for no reason.

Fuck off.

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Maybe you should read again, nobody said M&K is cheating.

Jesus Christ we just keep LOOPING dude’s


Predator gameplay isnt nearly as varied across platforms as FT is. Not like preds doing much flickshot sniping or gets hitscan headshots. You get the occasional bunnyhopping bow but unless they’re landing all headshots its not nearly as painful as four 90% accurate FTs

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Some are, some are not…

666 post oh no

True. Although I am no one who has something to say here - I normally just play FT.

But the advantages, which PC player have in terms of long and mid range attacks dissolve in (close) melee. One might even have a little advantage there with the controller - if you ask me.

And that was the point, where Dent was a little too greedy in said match against Dova. Maybe he underestimated a PS4 in very-close-combat, who knows…

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