What discussion? I posted solid evidence showcasing pretty egregious and obvious instances of hacking and all you have done is claim there is zero hacking with nothing to back it up much less addressing the evidence brought forth. In fact your very first response to that evidence was to suggest that it was purely a wild conspiracy theory. I don’t think you are as smart as you think you are bud
The vidoes don’t show hacking and the explanation for such rare occurences was already discussed ITT. Jeez.
Yeah that doesn’t cut it. Firstly other software folks here have stated that those explanations are inadequate for at least a few of the above instances and some have had no explanations period. Secondly the few explanations that have been offered are basically entirely void because next to no one encounters these desync and lag issues like it is claimed until suddenly they are being hit through walls and insta killed so… either the servers are incredibly opportunistic about how they wanna conveniently desync and lag or whatnot OR you’re full of shit. And given how incredibly frequently this occurs in instances THAT ONLY effect the Predator and never the Fireteam and always result in immediate SW or death… Lucy you got some ‘splainin to do~
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The citiation is there bud. The evidence is there. Where’s yours bitch? XD
Show me the money~. Put up or shut up.
You’re legitimately just dribbling trash, lol. There is no evidence of cheating in this game whilst online as of now. Some 10th grader did some chams and loaded them in an offline match, probably to troll you, coz he knew you wouldn’t understand and would assume people are hacking. :o
So once again zero substance to refute obvious evidence of legitimate hacking and cheating. Not even a vain attempt to do so.
What evidence that isn’t clearly a server desync? Where is the evidence you keep speaking of? Imagine that as often as people get logged off they just stand still on the FT’s screen… Do you understand now?
Those videos weren’t hacking though lol. Ive seen preds desync and they just stand there and die. It looks like they get instantly deleted through a wall on their screen.
Makes no sense to turn your super epic hax switch on 10 minutes into the game to begin with lmao
Please everyone explain this then…
Obvious wall hacks and shooting through walls…
Because sever desync doesn’t just toggle on and off like that. When you desync all that means is that your response is technically delayed, not utterly cancelled and desync doesn’t just suddenly snap back to sync’d instantly like it would have to in some of these examples. The one shot for example. If they fully unloaded into you it would register each shot just delayed and not just suddenly register every shot whilst displaying no lag whatsoever. With the hitting through walls and such that not create false images such as actually seeing rounds hit objects outside of the walls and that would have to be a pretty substantial desync in order to do so which was not reflected anywhere else in the aforementioned instances and would mean that it applied exclusively to those rounds being fired and literally nothing else and even then it wouldn’t hold up. Also the fact that I have not seen a single instance of desyncing apply in anything approaching this significant of a degree from anyone playing Fireteam on this forum or otherwise which is rather odd if this desync was such a vast and prevalent issue here. There is so much wrong with that assessment that it is honestly stunning your would even attempt to pull that line of bullshit.
Post anything thats not from bloodthirstylord hes unbearable
Desync doesn’t cancel your actions, lag night but desync just means the response is delayed by virtually microseconds. Desyncing for a full four to five seconds simply does not occur and the fact I have NEVER seen it occur to Fireteam indicates this is not the issue.
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Where’s your bitch? Still waiting on ya
Yes I hate his voice too, mute it though and watch the fuckery…
Lol you havent seen fireteams sprinting in place or teleporting around ever?
Surely theyre all hacking!
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That’s a well known roof you can look /shoot through since the beta by standing on top of the filing cabinet, than jumping on the demountable wall in that room.