City hunter a doofus?

He kills grandma. Like legit just grabs the old lady by the face


She had a gun , self defense 101, my friend

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Self defense 101??? You taking lessons with Master Ken? You do not grab someone by the face when they have a gun


The results speak for themselves

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So long as you understand thats the exception and not the rule and I don’t have to worry lol

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Run from a knife , run towards a gun 🔫


Yes your right and it’s because Arnold wanted to do terminator

If the want some candy kid was holding a paintball or airsoft anything but a watergun he probably wouldve blown his head off right there just for holding it.
The scene where the woman with the kid is reaching for the handgun in the graveyard in AvPR comes to mind too.

Literally 0 concept of self defense just pvp flagged as soon as you touch something that could be percieved as a weapon.


Is this why Dutch kicks the gun out of the hostages hand in the first movie??? How did he understand that so quickly??

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It makes sense that it would mess him up but they probably wouldn’t have some off hand medical solution to that scenario

Space Cannabis oil , my friend . Cures most ailments 👍🏻 why do you think he was visiting a slaughterhouse? He had a case of the munchies

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City Hunter was a noob with no Dad, now the Super Preds on that game reserve were the real special ed. They were so stupid they had to have prey delivered to thier species to hunt. What a bad movie and on top of that Lawrence Fishburn bodied like 4, looted thier corpse and sheltered himself on some fortnite shit. Lol Dammm


Lol can someone point me to an intelligent predator onscreen? Aside from JH he saw through all the boyscouttery & only lost to bad luck and still managed to blow himself up.


I’ve seen people claim JH was dishonorable? I thought he did an ok job

BuT hE bLeW a DuDeS aRm OfF tHaT mEaNs ThAt mY oWn UnEdUcAtEd IdEaLs Of HoNoR iS sUpErIoR

Sarcasm aside there’s a reason why most swords have hilts and that’s to protect the hands, even if it did mostly protect from binds. Not only are they nessacary to wield the weapon but they’re also the most extended part of your body making them easy targets (though different fighting styles do lead to different targets and the body was still the prime target do to killing potential, but the hands were also a viable target non the less)

At the end of the day honor doesn’t dictate fighting style outside a few exceptions at most

You see a weak point go for it

Your opponent tried to be flashy and went for a spin attack, stab him in the back.

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Honor system thing didnt even exist until the 2nd movie he was just spamming caster blasting people in the back & having a good time. And took trophies from all of dutch’s FT no? Even with kills like mac’s lol

You could always headcanon it as him easymode speedrunning compared to every other pred we’ve seen. I still think its funny dutch is toted as this ultimate pred slaying badass because he had an incredible stroke of luck now its something he must repeat over and over again forever.

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As for OP though in the novel/early draft the elder kills CH for being embarassing after hes wounded from the disc fight, not harrigan

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Why didn’t they all just drop the weapons and go to the chopper?