So i have seen “leaks” of the city hunter caster. Which is all well and good, but what most of the fan boys have yet to realize is that its all ready in the game. The city hunter had a caster that would be hidden in the armor until used much like the Samurai pred. So the city hunter caster is just a file name for the samurai pred caster. Lol
City hunter caster
Yes but the mask and the character have also been found in the files.
No they have not. All it says are city hunter caster. I have seen these.
I doubt they’d codename the samurai’s caster “city hunter” when the other casters are called scar and beserker just like the pred’s in the movies.
The call the tutorial man hunt. Lol so dont seem to far fetch for Illfonic trying to get over on wannbee hackers. Ill believe data mined bullshit when it happens.
Yes. Since a reddit user made a animated dance for the jungle hunter so yes. Till they are in the game they are fake and data mined bullshit. Every game that has ever been “data mined” none of the stuff ever mined was ever put into the games. Lol its just wannabe “hackers” trying to make a name for themselves
You think someone went to the effort of creating 3D models of three distinct plasma caster and shoulder pack setups so they could have a few ‘likes’ for extracting files from a game’s source code.
Someone went out of there way to make the 87 jungle hunter dance so yes. Not very far fetch there fan boy
I’m not sure why you think calling anyone ‘fanboy’ is some kind of clever insult. I’m just trying to understand your reasoning. The Predator dance thing is somewhat different - they never claimed it was in game, and it was done using the game’s resource files imported into other software and using existing off-the-shelf animations.
Anyway, seems clear you just want to be antagonistic and sneery, so I’ll leave you to have fun with that.
Lets just wait for about 5 months. If they dont come out you were right
I believe in the leaks, if im wrong you can call me an idiot
I would never call anyone on an idiot i would also be the 1st to say im wrong but blindly believing data mined bs from a uncredited hacker whos only claims come from this game and have yet to see the samurai pred or the elder? Mhm seems pretty fishy to me
I have to agree on this one with you @richterbryan… they even said them self ILLFONIC they are using code names for totally different things… such as space fish being a name for pred hunting grounds and stuff
Space fish is on the nose though. It makes sense because the game is about an alien wearing fishnets. Codenames are usually used for modes and the game itself. I don’t think they’d codename character classes and weapons…
We shall see… im big fan of both scar and breserker aka mr black, city hunter is a nice touch which means they are also doing dead predators too which gives me hope they are going to be adding all preds from movies and also some from comics as we saw, so thats a big plus… But im kinda in disbelief, not trusting them that much honestly xD…
Thats why im being very cautious. I would love the city hunter but using code names to throw off data mined leakers seems to be the new trend in video game companies. Battlefront 2 did with droidkas naming them damaged speeders in the game files so they would not get leaked. Or even the arc troopers were called shinnies in the files. We will have to wait and see
The droidekas weren’t called damaged speeders in the files. That was just piss poor communication with the community manager after people spotted a droideka in a screenshot. In fact I don’t think it was ever found in the files.
Datamined stuff is a 50/50 I would say. Sometimes they never come to the game for various reasons like Uber Jason and the Grendal map. But sometimes they do like customisation and character classes for battle for neighbourvile.
It really depends on how well the game is doing. The only thing we can tell for certain with datamined stuff is that the developers were at least some point working on whatever was found or still are.
I mean the suriken and drone look alot like the mock ups from the movies in the extras. The drone is almost spot on for the extra in the Predators movie
That battlefront thing is… not true. It was their official answer to a community member that asked them about the droideka model in the promotional pic for an update. First thing they said was it might just be a crashed speeder, or “environmental clutter”.
The funny part was that really everyone could clearly identify it as a droideka model, wich was embarrasing.
There were actually a couple of datamined things that came to battlefront 2.
But there will always be things in the files that never make it into the actual games. Things that they worked on, but never fully finished. So you never know what might be added or not.