Cleopatra is on her way


Yet the tapes I collect do even get rewarded to me!

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Honestly more hyped for Cleo now because she’s pretty much Dutch’s Nemesis at this point.


I hope she had a net gun equipment so I can equip the both net gun lols

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Jungle hunter, exists


Not after Val Verde he doesn’t. Bitch dead.


So is she like, canonically, a predator who hunted in ancient Egypt? So then, like being generous and low balling, she’s atleast 5000 years old?

Also Cleo is the only Predator to canonically beat Dutch in a fight and she is even the one to have given him his Netgun scars in his 2025 form.

By your logic, rocky’s greatest nemesis isn’t Apollo creed. And The avengers nemesis is not thanos. Good try though

Rocky’s greatest Nemesis is Ivan Drago.

Yeahhhh. K lol

I’ll be sure to let everyone know 😂 hey doofus. Apollo actually beat rocky

Rocky literally became best friends with Apollo Creed and FOUGHT Ivan Drago to AVENGE Creed’s death. And they still have beef in the Creed films decades after.


That doesn’t make you someone’s biggest rival. Literally the entire arch is Rocky losing to Apollo, then coming back to beat him, then training with him, fighting him again in a 3rd fight behind closed doors. (Which we later learn, rocky loses). Also, love how you ignore my other example cause you know you’re wrong lol

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Hard for someone to be your nemesis when you just beat there ass

You can’t be someone’s Nemesis if you’re their best friend and they FIGHT TO AVENGE YOUR DEATH.

Yes you can. Hence they had the 3rd match. Apollo was his biggest rival… because duh

I mean, Dutch post Pred 1 even before meeting Cleopatra would have slapped Jungle Hunter.

Cleopatra slapping an experienced Dutch who hadn’t been improved yet and already had a Pred Body count is def >>>>/above JH’87.

Shit, he was gonna go kill City Hunter but was too late to catch up.

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This is like saying Vegeta is still Goku’s Nemesis when the two have been allies for 30 years of the franchise and friends for almost as long. They’re Rivals, not Nemesis. Frieza is Goku’s Nemesis because Frieza is a VILLAIN. Apollo Creed isn’t Rocky’s villain post 2. They become best friends and train together and Rocky goes on to fight to avenge his death at the hands of Ivan Drago.

Yeah Cleo is the first Predator to actually beat Dutch’s ass hard since JH, and she’s clearly WAY way stronger than JH ever was. Implied to be a Cleaner of sorts like Wolf, but closer to an Elite/Elder in Rank & Status. Very royal appearance. The Audio Tape detailing their encounter tells about how Cleo was able to kill Dutch’s full team in almost the blink of an eye, trap Dutch and scar him for life and the only reason Dutch isn’t dead is because Cleo LETS HIM GO as a taunt/flex.

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