Cleopatra is on her way

Nothing in the Audio Tapes mention Dutch using Pred tech at the time of meeting of Cleo. He’s not in his 2025 form, IE the time frame of THE GAME, this is years before Hunting Grounds itself. It’s very possible he didn’t have any on his person at the time.

Also here’s just one documented example of a Predator being 1000s of years old Kalakta | Xenopedia | Fandom

Yo this nerd trying to argue with everyone on the forums.

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Big Nerd. The biggest nerd. Will literally “UMM ACKHUALLY” a mofo on Pred lore.

Not you, the mentally challenged dude

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I doubt Cleo is a Cleaner.

If anything, I think Cleo’s a Bad Blood or at the very least a Predator that shares the same views as Nightstorm given the fact that:

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I dunno. Just kinda feels like you justifying lazy writing. And uh. 5000 years old? On the low end. And she’s still hunting? So whatever you just sent me seems like retcon. Cause again. Like in the movies. Elder was old as fuck looking, and a couple hundred years old

Also you saying Dutch was not using predator tech is entirely an assumption. Considering he was actively working with OWLF right? And every single character we’ve seen dropped who work with them have predator tech? Lol

So you’re mad I’m not agreeing there’s a 5000 year old predator cause that seems dumb? Got it lol

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They have them in 2025 yes. After being reformed after the events of 2018. Where they had all their funding & tech taken away and were officially disbanded so that Stargazer could take over.

Xeno what’s the deal? Is she literally ancient?

But didint Dutch reference killing multiple predators in the tapes? And they take there gear every single time right? Lol

Yes, and then Stargazer took it all because the OWLF was disbanded for years until the events of 2018 proved Stargazer couldn’t do shit and so the US government reformed the OWLF and disavowed Stargazer.

I’m just saying whatever her goal was, makes 0 sense to not kill him. Cause he was 100% actively taking predator gear. And if she’s hunting, he’s the absolute best human trophy you could have got

Ok but even if the gear was taken, that doesn’t change the fact Dutch was killing and taking predators gear. And I have a large doubt any stargazer people took Dutches stuff lol

Predators don’t often make sense. They operate on a Blue & Orange morality we only have vague understandings of. And often due to differing Clan societies & rules these morales & rules change.

We simply won’t know Cleo’s full motivations until she drops in August. Simple as.

Not enough to say yes or no but not out of the question.

Ancient would imply Cleo is pretty old, and given how she acted during Dutch’s Run In / Napoleon, she’s at least no Greyback levels of old.

If we wanna talk about Pred Age, most examples such as Kalakta, Serpent Hunter, etc are “Extended Universe” Predators, even if Alien/AvP is like 99.99% Inherently Canon to Predator in the first place.

Also side note I think you’re a cool dude, nothing against you. Just curious about this point haha and also to the other discussion we had, I genuinely never see Dante. If I see data saying he got purchased a shit load I’ll gladly admit I’m wrong lol just what I’ve seen. Nothing against you

The lore is always fluctuating & changing. Even Hunting Grounds & its tie-in novel has massively changed things about even the movies. Maybe before we only had Predators age up to 1000 max. But recent additions in the expanded universe, and the Predators in this game, seem to move in the direction of “Preds can be 1000s of years old easily”.

Hell, Hunting Grounds has managed to take the set up & basis of The Predator, and turn it into a fun time period by having us participate in a 3-way war between the Yautja, OWLF & Stargazer. And it gave us a solid idea of what Dutch & Isabelle are doing in-canon now.