Cleopatra is on her way

Ehhhh, Ultimate prob has her beat if Predator Canon ONLY is considered.

Otherwise Scarface rocks her shit.

Well, Lex’s Alien Spear IS in The Predator in Stargazer’s base, so the events of AVP1 do exist within the main movie timeline at the very least. And we have found files mentioning Celtic in the game before. Personally i just REALLY want Wolf & Scarface from Concrete Jungle. Those two are my dream picks. I mean hell, Concrete Jungle is set in 2030. Hunting Grounds is only 5 years away from it in the modern timeline.

And the devs have confirmed that Dutch IS a Hybrid like Bruno Borgia now and him juicing up on Predator blood to prolong his life & get stronger is a plot point directly taken from CJ.

Do they even live that long? Holy hell lol.

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I think they said he took a Med Kit or something, not actual Pred Blood.

If you really wanna get into the “AvP is Canon” Conspiracy, Shurikens are a AvP Weapon, always have been. Yet wtf is Fugitive doing with AvP Weapons? Combine that with Time Traveling Ripley and Ms.Yutani that were removed from The Predator? Wtf?

Did not think so lol

Yeah Scarface is definitely goated

I can definitely see them pushing almost two thousand, for some of the older ones who’ve survived the long years and many hunts. Especially the ones who dip more into the fkn voodoo magic mumbo jumbo blood crap they do.

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The interesting part about this is that due to all the set up, and the fact that it’s unlikely Arnie is going to star in another Predator film, this storyline could very well likely be the end of Dutch’s story. After all, this is the canon continuation of his character from Predator 1. This is the most they’ve done with him in decades. But that doesn’t mean we’re fated to get the same triumphant victory over & over. Some times, the hero dies in the end. Now it is unlikely they’d canonically kill Dutch off in a game or Book related to said game, but the way they’ve built Cleo up is that she has more than enough chance to actually do the deed and due to the way the films have went & how involved Arnie has been with HG, this could end up with Dutch’s story coming to an end.

Please no. I want to see him fight Greyback on film. We needs it. We needs the precious.

Could even take a note from Requiem and in the final fight between Cleopatra & Dutch, after both have given it their all and they’re slugging it out like it’s Metal Gear Solid 4 or the ending of a Yakuza game… she impales him on her Wristblades, he stabs her in the gut with his Knife. They look into each other’s eyes whilst sneering/roaring at each other and then boom: some form of explosion maybe from Cleo’s wrist computer or a bombing run takes them both out.

Dutch does have a very Old Snake persona to himself now after all.

Yeah like. 6000 7000 seems a bit much

She’s just gonna be added to the game. Like are they gonna then release a comic to explain what else she’s gonna do

Could be Audio Tapes. They could do another Novel. Could be tie-in comics.

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Shouldn’t she just casually murder him in a fuckin knife fight bro? Like bro it’s a fucking predator. All the knife fighting in this game is for balance sake I hope we aren’t pretending a predator v human knife fight is a thing now lol

Audio tapes more likely

Remember that Harrison beat the City Hunter in a Close Quarters Combat Knife Fight.

Welp. No he didint hahaha

City hunter… missing arm. Fell multiple stories, through a building. Was shot 7 times with a 12 gauge point blank. Was actively using medical tech to breath like 15 minutes earlier. AND dude had the smart disc that literally cuts through cattle like nothing.

That’s not a knife fight. And it’s certainly no example of a fair fight

He literally does. They’re fighting in the interior of the ship. They lock blades, hell you see SPARKS fly between the Smart Disc & City’s Wristblades when they clash, they keep on parrying each other’s attacks. Harrison FAKES being hit by a swipe. City goes in for the kill. Harrison PLUNGES the Smart Disc into City Hunter’s chest and tears it wide open.

And in the Hunting Grounds Novel, Dutch climbs up into a Tree and Slices open a Scout Predator’s throat with his knife.