Cleopatra is on her way

Literally have never met a predator fan happy with that scene. It literally downplays the predator so fackin hard lol

THESE dudes went toe to toe with Scarface and lived to tell the tale and earned his respect so much he personally enlists their help in killing Hunter Borgia.

Thatā€™s very neat. We have EVERY reason to assume they are enhanced (like every other boss in the game )

And yet theyā€™re the only ones to put up a fight to the point Scarface himself respects them. And all they have are swords. No guns, no fancy tech.

Like if they arenā€™t enhanced thatā€™s just horrible writing. Heā€™s shown crushing skulls with ease, leaping like 5 l, 6 stories in the air. Physical strength feats that would mean, heā€™d literally swing through there blades, smash through there attempts to block him, and chop them clean in half. For our sake, and love of the game, weā€™d better hope they were enhanced. Lol. Otherwise thatā€™s AWFUL writing

Like him fighting 3 normal humans with swords and having any trouble whatsoever would just be an inconsistency in the plot

3 dudes armed only with swords, and I THINK Shurikens IIRC their fight correctly, just mob rush Scarface on a building and fight him to a draw and afterwards Scarface is like ā€œHuh, those dudes had BALLSā€¦ and managed to live after fighting me. I either gotta fight them again or theyā€™re gonna end up being a valuable asset at some point by some strange coincidenceā€¦ā€ and then you smash cut to the final boss and Scarface is in the room fighting a mutant Hunter Borgia and is like ā€œHey itā€™s you three from before. Wanna come help me kick this dudeā€™s ass, I mean he did kill your boss after all.ā€

Bro Iā€™ve played the game hahah address my points maybe lol. Either they are enhanced, or thatā€™s a massive inconsistency. Cause he wouldnā€™t even need to use skill to kill them if they are normal humans. He could just brute strength them. If they are normal humans.

Itā€™s just Rule of Cool. Which the vast majority of Concrete Jungle runs on. Scarfaceā€™s backstory has him survive on a Planet for 100 Years and SINGLE HANDEDLY drive its main native Alien species to EXTINCTION by fighting them all off. This man casually commits GENOCIDE whilst on forced exile. Thereā€™s no logic there, itā€™s just to show Scarface is a fucking badass and runs on Rule of Cool ā€œOh my god heā€™s so badassā€

Ok so your entire argument just fell apart. Got it. You canā€™t say rule of cool dude wtf hahahah your story needs to be compelling. Compelling needs logic. Or you lose your audience. Hence Dutch did NOT win the 1v1 fight with the predator at the end, or we all woulda went, wtf?? He had to outsmart it, and trap it. You canā€™t just say, wow isnā€™t this bad ass? Ya know what movies do that? Bad ones

Also thereā€™s no reason to assume thatā€™s species is extinct. We saw a pile of bodies. That doesnā€™t equal extinction lol

Scarface is literally the Kyle Katarn of Predator. Heā€™s an unmatched badass who casually genocides an entire alien race and then single handedly topples an entire cityā€™s corrupt corporate government. Itā€™s lore that for Predators to even get a PERMIT to leave Yautja Prime they have to hunt down and kill a Radioactive Space Dragon in the desert in a hunting party of 3. And Spear Masters go on to fashion their unique Armor & Combistick out of said Radioactive Space Dragonā€™s bodies.

Scarface is so badass heā€™d have killed one of those Dragons on his own. With his bare hands. Whilst blind folded. And thatā€™d be cool lore.

None of that would be cool. Hahaha that would be nonsense. If I want fantasy, Iā€™ll play Skyrim. Predator is Sci-fi Action

Also by your own logic, nothing has stakes or value. Or any sense. If he can kill space dragons, why are samurai giving him issues? This literally would just be nonsense world and who cares what the stakes are or enemies cause nothing matters

Some characters are just MADE to be cool, almost to the point of ridiculousness by their setting. Broly is one of them. Kyle Katarn is one of them. Scarface is one of them. Theyā€™re all cut from the same cloth of ā€œThe badass that every other character in the franchise WISHES they wereā€

Dude thatā€™s not even like headcanon lore. This is lore directly taken from the Bios of Alien Vs Predator Extinction. It is canon, by AVP at the very least, that for Predators to be allowed to leave their Home World, they have to go out in a Hunting Party of 3 Unblooded and kill a Radioactive Space Dragon native to Yautja Prime.

Broly is very dope. Yes. But the scaling makes sense within the universe. And once we see his scaling, they donā€™t go back on it. Like him clapping Frieza, made sense. By YOUR logic frieza coulda beat him. Lol like by your rules there is no scaling, and whatever is cool can just happen

Rule of Cool does not mean EVERYTHING runs on it. Rule of Cool is something only applied to very specific things at very specific times.

Cool. Then again. To MY point. That means fighting samurai is dumb hahahah thanks prove me right more please. If they can kill space dragons they arenā€™t having issues with half naked dudes with swords šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

You need scaling or nothing means anything and everything is nonsense