Cleopatra is on her way

Like what are the stakes to your story if strength of characters fluctuates to the degree of being able to kill dragons, to loosing to humans with knives

But yes, by the lore of AVP, which going by The Predator IS canon to this timeline still, Predators in order to leave Yautja Prime have to slay a dragon for lack of a better term. That means every Predator we play as, every Predator we see on screen, has at one point of another killed a Radioactive Space Dragon in order to get a Licence to travel & hunt offworld. You can like that lore or hate it, but to me it just adds to Yautja Prime being this metal as fuck alien world and making the Yautja in to fictionā€™s greatest hunters.

Ok cool. So they scale to that. Meaning way above samurai lol

Shit happens. Most Yautja die due to cockiness, this is something we see time & time again. Even Scarfaceā€™s entire story is kicked off because heā€™s a cocky arrogant fool who lets his guard down and allows himself to be shot & humiliated by a woman who just gave birth forcing him to leave his tech behind and for his blood to grant her & her newborn child super human powers.

Itā€™s hard to do so given their movesets and awareness, but I think you can Scan the Ronin in CJ and they do have enhancements.

This is also possible with Hunter during the Final Level, and he has a whole list of details, Dark Blade Smart-Disc and shit.

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So cockiness is why falcon died lol

Most Yautja die due to letting their guard down because their entire race hypes themselves up and their mentality is ā€œWe have to prove weā€™re the best guys, we gotta make ourselves look cool as possibleā€ and this leads to them doing increasingly stupid & dangerous things in order to increase how much they can brag about their Hunts & kills. They think themselves invincible. And then they lose.

Like you canā€™t just say, oh they were cocky every single time and thatā€™s why they die. Everytime they die itā€™s cause they are cocky. Seems like a logical error lol

Ok so again. If they arenā€™t bullshitting, you donā€™t kill a predator literally ever in a Straight melee combat fight. SO Dutch would get Insta bodied by any predator who really wanted to kill him lol

Cleo literally bodies Dutch and only lets him live for some unknown reason known only to herself.

Her and any other predator who really wanted to

Dutch himself says in the tape ā€œFemale Predators donā€™t fuck around like the Males do.ā€ Male Preds are always acting cocky & fucking with their Prey because they wanna show off. The Females are more ruthless, to the point & calculating. And this just reinforces what weā€™ve known since the old comic days of characters like Big Momma.

Both of yaā€™ll are right on this tbh. P:HG just lines up with the stuff we know, which is based.

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This entire convo started cause you said, theyā€™d be knife fighting and kill eachother. And I said thereā€™s no chance that happens and he doesnā€™t get bodied instantly, and you disagreed. Then tried stating examples of how they can be fought in melee combat. Then fell back to, if youā€™re enhanced, then fell back to uhh. If itā€™s cool enough? K lol, and now fell back on, well if they fuck around and are too cocky. So by all means you have admitted to you arenā€™t ever winning a head on melee fight hahah

No I listed various examples of Preds losing in melee fights or at the least like in Scarfaces case having a hard battle and ending it in a draw. Whether you like it or not, it is canon that characters like Dutch can and have sliced open preds with knives.

Also just so you know, if you are going by ā€œloreā€ from extended cannon. You are using such nonsense as characters in Star Wars who can rip planets apart, and literally eat worlds. Meanwhile the ā€œstrongestā€ characters ever are told to be Vader, Luke, Palpatine, and Yoda. Who have ZERO strength feats anywhere ASTRONOMICALLY NEAR these feats. So. Long story short. Extended lore is all bullshit šŸ˜‰

Nope lol. Not a thing

Well thatā€™s like your opinion man.

Itā€™s really not even an opinion dude. The creator of the franchises have a set vision, then others come and add stuff that contradicts with what is set. Meaning itā€™s all nonsense. How can Vader be the strongest when we have feats that literally are thousands of times stronger than anything weā€™ve ever seen him do? We canā€™t. Which inherently means the extended lore in these franchises is not thought out, and contradictory to the source Material.

Iā€™ll take a million examples of the Expanded Universe saying Predators hunt Radioactive Space Dragons & fight Cyborg Ronin with Katanas on rooftops before I even consider the Autism Gene to make the Ultimate Lifeform plot of The Predator to matter.

Nothing about the EU of Predator will EVER be as bad as the last movie saying ā€œAutism is the key to making the Ultimate Lifeform.ā€