Cloak test.

The only thing however… predator should be hard af to see when he is jumping from tree branch to tree branch, and shooting at you… as it is now… that should stay… only thing that needs to change is textures and to be able to see further at max 70-80 meters

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I’d like to point the fact that if you only take the visual aspect of cloacking 45m invisibility might be a little too much.
But there is the audio aspect, clicking, branch leaves falling, footsteps etc, and the trails of the arrows or the laser beam of the PC.
Some Fireteam members have already managed to hit me with bullets above the 45 meters by sound or visual clues only.


Also you are being very biased with your 100
Meter range is because you play sniper and you dont want to change your playstyle up. The sniper is still viable but you need to be more stealthly when sniping finding that spot that is far enough from your ft to get thos massive shots in on a melee pred but also close enough that your team can get to you if the pred spots you

As i said now… all we need to let devs know not to add UNNECESSARY cloak changes… only shit we mentioned…

It doesnt impress me that they can hit you. What would impress me is if they can continue to hit you as you reposition.

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I still think your 80 meters is too much, it would open up the abuse of derailed sniper mains. Idk just me

I already put my idea in many comments in my post and in the answers in yupper and coffe latest posts.

You guys are also missing the clouds of dust the pred makes when running or jumping but im sure the potato graphics pc users cant see that because they remove them lol

Just figured youd like to see vid confirmation if you hadn’t already.

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Your answer is biased as fuck. You are a sniper main so yoj want the ability to snipe back but instead of changing it up you resort to crying

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Now hold on…let’s be fair here. Fixing the cloak has made snipers useless but is that really fair? FT has plenty of useless weapons already…do we really need to add more?

Limit sniper effectiveness = Fair
Eliminate sniper effectiveness = Not fair

I can live without sniping tho. Sure that takes a hit, but its whatever for me. I can adapt.

But if me and other preds who are good start focusing this, shits going to be hell for a LOT of ppl.
So I’m trying to even out for my opponents, not so much me.

If I was really bothered by it cause it fucked my sniping, then I’d write that in saying that snipers got completely fucked.

Notice I havent even mentioned it til you did.

But ya, like I said I’m mainly interested in seeing what other ppl think.
I know you can adapt so it’s not a huge issue for you.

Useless in what terms? I still use my Bolt action. Still killing the pred with it, But yet again I never camped to begin with so my playstyle is much better than most snipers.

I wanna say it needs a bit of tweaking but overall I have no real problem with it but I got a feeling someone will come by and just tell me that I have to use my ears now like some sort of fucking dolphin man using echo location for even daring to say anything that resembles criticism of it.

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My crews still killing most preds so idgaf.

I agree. Alienating playstyles isnt really koscher


Start focusing on what? Range play only goes so far. If you are facing a team and they know what they are doing they wont allow the caster spam to continue past the first down they will start taking cover and moving more silently avoiding open area combat.

If you ran around with it not true sniping.
A true sniper doesnt run around with his sniper, those are fake ass snipers who try to no scope or quick scope and they deserve no respect.

And those who have anything less than a 6x scope don’t deserve any respect either.

Sniping ain’t camping.

Rawwwww You need to listen dolphin boi dont make me call aquaman

I honestly just leveled up and started using snipers and my feeling was inside 50m, switch to the smg because it takes too long to line up a shot. This effectively nerfs the sniper in my eyes.

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