yeah tree branch imbreakable is a bug they have confirmed it last night stream

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The cloak is blown out of proportion. I have no problems with it. Considering the amount of dmg ft has… sometimes 4 arrow shots to down someone… thats not being addressed either. Still pred is gimp mode inmo until other issues are addressed the cloak isnt a game breaker

YUPPERS has a point too @Slasher_Clone give it a week when people test it

No using my own words against me, it’s cheating brother.

@YUPPERS, it only needs small changes. The other stuff about Pred damage, is a different conversation. One I would be willing to concede points on. If you were to say ask for a damage boost against Supports when using the bow, I’d probably think that makes sense, arrows aren’t as effected by Kevlar as bullets, they slide through it.

Maybe you shouldnt have a sniper out looking for pred as this tactic was old and dumb. I like playing ft but the cloak makes it funner inmo. Maybe because my mouse sensativity is high i can track the pred

You have to think of those death squads to. As they will be uneffected by cloak buffs

Ugh i wish i can stream lol… im scared of the game causing my PC to overheat…

only in predator that is lol… if that wasn’t the case i could stream 1080p60 source with 8k bitrate and full detail lol… so u can see what i see on PC

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I shot a pred 4 times in a row with sniper. They are not impossible to find. If your graphics are actually higher… its easier to see pred inmo due to more background detail. As the dev team prolly turned graphics down and adjusted from pc exploiters. So the cloak was buffed due to graphic exploiters and terrian distance exploiters aka dice

Im running a 2080 with 9700k and no overheating here… i have an open air case

Probably cause of 2080 aka RTX cards… people on GTX lines have it rough lmao…

also i got open air case too, still 88celsius… same updated drivers as RTX btw

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My 2080 rtx is around 45 to 60

What brand cofee. Im a computer master

I know the video cards like msi armour and gefore founders overheat… dont buy a 3080… they crash like a test dummy

currently using GTX 1070 G1 Gaming 8GB from gigabyte

Planning to get MSI rtx 3080 gaming x trio

I had a 1070 ti 6m ago… cerberus …

The 1070 does not water cool very well…due to the heatsinks on 1070s are not as robust as 1080s. 1070s have shit cooling in general on a smaller board w/ less surface area to distribute heat… hence no matter how much air flow… the heatsinks suck ass.

No matter how much cooling you put on the parcel… the main board …transistors capictors etc get really hot

Either way in most games its like 55c-60c

in predator it reaches 88c lol… so far puts a lot of usage strain on it… while my 9900k is at 15% usage and 50c

Ya… did you try to use a external box fan

Well im not that advance in tech lmao… but no i didnt

Id put a regular house fan on that sob