Cop Injustices so know your rights

What the actual fuck XD

What cause, dumbass?

Yes, and this is the obstacle to reproduction. It’s not a barrier, and i never said it was. It’s an obstacle, dumbass.

Bruh fml you’re stupid
It doesn’t need it, but the section of the population which can reproduce most effectively should increase in number, while those who are ineffective will slowly diminish.

Get back on your meds, fuckhead lmao

Nah, fuck YOU lol
And I will just point out that you didn’t for a second dispute me calling you a schoolchild.

They still had to get here in the first place tho, like just cos it’s okay to be gay (I regret nothing) doesn’t mean gay people will just suddenly materialise.

And jesus christ, in ten years this stupid string of letters will encompass the entire alphabet. Twice.

Bruh everybody already knows this lol
Same thing, just cos it became okay in the 20s doesn’t mean left-handed people suddenly materialise. Besides, left-handedness provides no obstacle to survival/reproduction (where as homosexuality does), and that’s why i can’t understand why the numbers of gays are still increasing.

A-yep. That’s me XD

A-yep, but untill anybody can be arsed to get up off their fat ass and deal with the ‘WAY bigger thing’ (insert dick joke here), it’s more fun for homunculi like us to bicker about insignificant shit, cos at the end of the day, nobody is actually gonna go out there and change anything for better or worse, are they?

Tbh, even if there was no issue over whether or not people with differences should be ‘allowed’, humans would continue tormenting each other until the day of our extinciton. It’s just what we do :)

Did you even read the link to the article i sent you on why democracy bad? Shit hurts man :(

stupid, hateful, blind, rigid, crazy… the list goes on XD

Lol XD
I do remember listening to the news with one of my irl friends (Yeah i have friends, how’s that for dick measuring @Eshtion? lmao) and I do believe he said something along the line of “well in that case why aren’t paedos, zoophiles, and necros slapped onto that list? I mean they’re all sexual orientations too, right?” (Tbc this was sarcasm, he wasn’t actually stating that he believes this should happen).


Honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if, in 50 years or so, at the very least necros and zoos were added to the list :/

I dont like a lot of what I’m seeing in here!


Perhaps. The guy should have kept his cool and let the cops do what they were gonna do. Fack, initially they were just going to escort him out without any charges, it seemed. Why the fack resist and make it worse with every subsequent action?


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This needs more research until I can come up with a conclusion and see if he did had a gun that it justifies the shooting but I doubt it especially since I hate using this but when that cop shot that black guy and then Black Lives Matter happened

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Because straight people…that’s it. All these gays, lesbians, bis, ect. come from people in straight relationships having kids, and in turn some of these kids can in a low chance, possibly come out as gay. Long as straight people exist, so will the rest of the community. Not hard to figure out.

Ok this one is complicated

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Whatever the case, all of this could have been prevented if the man would have done what was asked of him. Why would he take out a knife or a gun? How will that end for him? I don’t get the logic of these folks

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I would like a citation, please. Seriously where did you get this data?

Well that’s actually fairly simple. If you’re gonna shoot something, shoot the cops not the dog. Dog’s lives are worth more than human’s, everybody knows this.

If you can’t understand a basic concept like that then there’s no point arguing with you

I would have aimed for the head

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Seriously, explain. 2+2=4 because gun? Is that what you’re getting at? How the fuck does this back up your ‘point’ that ‘my argument’s bad’?
My guy, you’re a couple baked beans short of a gas explosion.
@Finessology, you’re officially a paedo. Eshtion’s defo a kid lol

Because mental illness reproduces through mind/ideology and environmental exposure.

Most fetishes are established early on and people are afraid to call them groomers.
Same way all those furries popped up after a whole era of kids cartoons with animals in human clothing.

Interesting take on it, as a mental sort of thing… I always thought it made more sense as a genetic issue. I may or may not look into it later.

Ohhh right, furries. Forgot about them. How many letters is it now? LGBTQAPZNF+, I believe.

Zoos have pride marches now, already happening

Nah majority environmental.

“your kid plays with pink cars so he has the gay gene or a female brain” is pure insanity. Cultural black hole.
quick sign him up for this hormone regime and chemically castrate him.
= Lifetime of $$$ until age 50.

The autistic component is mental though. And no all these autists haven’t always been here. Pharma as a field needs more research done into medications prescribed during pregnancy & the partner’s meds.
Eventually the water will be filled with enough chemicals, pesticides, and runoff that we’re all fucked. Lawsuits only drop fifty years later.
You’d be suprised at the amount of medication that’s silently discontinued. Chemicals are what’s changing. Solution? More chemicals.

And disregard @Eshtion he drinks tapwater.

Just cos a kid is effeminate doesn’t necessarily mean gay. I suppose it’s the whole nature/nurture debate again… I reckon that, like depression, some of it is defo biological (this is evident because not all people who are exposed to ‘gay stuff’ become homosexual) but that said, i think you have a valid point about exposure. If the increase in the number of gays is, in fact, due in part to ‘propaganda’ (for lack of a better word), and not just genetics, then that would make a whole lot more sense.

Don’t worry, I do XD