Cop Injustices so know your rights

Environmental pressures too. IE Jail gays.

Well, they don’t really have a choice. If they wanna fuck, there’s not exactly any women around, so (dare i say it) they’re making the best of a bad circumstance. I doubt if any will stay gay as soon as they walk out of jail and will go right back to raping gals and robbing banks.

lol they would never make it to 50

also pepe doesn’t understand what per capita means or %

It doesn’t, that’s the point dumbass

I thought it would be self explanatory but lets do this:

Ok so from what I’ve read here from these articles, there is some possible kind of genetic lead due to something happening from the woman’s side of genes.

According to Ray Blanchard, a psychiatry professor at the University of Toronto, the reason could be that the mother’s body mounts an immune attack on the fetus of her unborn son. As the report authors explain:

Male fetuses carry male-specific proteins on their Y chromosome, called H-Y antigens. Blanchard hypothesized that some of these antigens promote the development of heterosexual orientation in males … Because these H-Y antigens are not present in the mother’s body, they trigger the production of maternal antibodies. These antibodies bind to the H-Y antigens and prevent them from functioning.

With the H-Y antigens not functioning, it could be that the “be straight” signal in the fetus’s brain never flicks on.

Since everyone is born from the womb, it makes sense to how humans multiply and thus you have sexual orientation variables. Not many, but sometimes a kid can pop up gay or bi. One thing many scientists and psychologists have ruled out, is that it can’t be influenced.

The review-paper authors do rule out one explanation for homosexuality, however: That tolerance for gay people encourages more people to become gay.

“Homosexual orientation does not increase in frequency with social tolerance, although its expression (in behavior and in open identification) may do so,” they write.

That reasoning—that a tolerant society somehow encourages homosexuality to flourish—has been used to support anti-gay legislation in Uganda, Russia, and elsewhere. These laws do marginalize and shame gay people, the authors write. But they won’t do away with a sexual orientation that’s ubiquitous, enduring, and—whether through genes, or hormones, or antibodies—perfectly natural.

And we see in countries that has anti-LGBQ laws that deal harsh to lethal response to them, but yet they don’t disappear? Why not? Simply put that it’s people having kids and a few of them come out as non straight. I mean you see it in the American South, where there is little tolerance of such things, in a Christian environment, and yet you see them exist still right? Again, as I stated before, they were always around but simply never said out loud do to fear of death and abuse from society. Now with more coming out into a society that has more acceptance of them, you see the true numbers appear.

Now is there such thing as a “gay gene”? No one really knows, as there is no real solid process to observe this happening, just that something PERHAPS happens in the women side of things during the gestation process and even then it’s not 100% certain. One thing for sure, there is no real evidence that social media or tv shows turn people gay, outside influence doesn’t do that. I mean by that logic, all the things we see around us that has straight romantic relationships should turn them straight but it doesn’t right? And in turn it doesn’t turn us gay, so how is this even considered a factor anyway? It’s just false demonizing propaganda to smear those who isn’t straight, that’s it. I see no real reason to push this idea other than the hatred of ones who aren’t like you. (Not attacking you specifically, but just the idea in general)

Still say that you don’t pull out a gun or run. There’s no need for all of this. Do what’s asked out you until situation is resolved. These people are nuts, they’ve seen plenty of vids of what happens to people who go for a weapon when a cop is involved and they still do it. Maybe they have not seen or heard about it. If not, how can you consider yourself a responsible gun owner.

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Meanwhile other studies found that the effect is weak or inexistent 🤔 (first article)

Similar conclusion in second link.

The articles are kinda old too, going on 15 years now

I mean that’s what I’m saying overall, we don’t know exactly how people become gay, simply that they are born from the womb like every other human and it’s still an ongoing research process. Outside influence doesn’t do it either, just simply makes them safer to exist but not bring the existence of itself. What is incorrect, is what Fin is saying, that it’s majority environmental, which is not, as many studies on this has shown. Correlation isn’t causation.

I agree that it’s inconclusive, but i guess environment is probably a more likely/dominant explanation as a genetic one is very sketchy at this point.

Perhaps one way to test this would be through isolation experiments or twin studies.

If there was a major genetic component, i think it would have been found by now. Perhaps there are a multitude of small changes and environment provides the rest. Genetics gives a possibility, but environment makes it happen.

I wonder what it is overall that attracts a male to a female. In many species is hormones, but i think in humans not so much. I can certainly identify a good looking man, but i will still pick a 6-7 woman over a 9-10 man…i think 🤔😂😅. I wonder why.

I don’t know of that would change if s/he was a furry, bit ask @Fire, I’m sure he knows 😂

I’ve already said and presented even that environmental factors isn’t involved in this as the studies show. I’ll present another:


Ongoing political controversies around the world exemplify a long-standing and widespread preoccupation with the acceptability of homosexuality. Nonheterosexual people have seen dramatic surges both in their rights and in positive public opinion in many Western countries. In contrast, in much of Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Oceania, and parts of Asia, homosexual behavior remains illegal and severely punishable, with some countries retaining the death penalty for it. Political controversies about sexual orientation have often overlapped with scientific controversies. That is, participants on both sides of the sociopolitical debates have tended to believe that scientific findings—and scientific truths—about sexual orientation matter a great deal in making political decisions. The most contentious scientific issues have concerned the causes of sexual orientation—that is, why are some people heterosexual, others bisexual, and others homosexual? The actual relevance of these issues to social, political, and ethical decisions is often poorly justified, however.

Again, other countries have strong anti-LGBQ laws and cultures, yet they still remain. Even here in red states where the rule of the bible is culturally enforced we still see populations of the LGBQ community popping up here and there. I just don’t see none of these factors come into play due to these examples of people suppressing or pushing of elimination of the LGBQ community. Everything I see people like Fin say is always based on emotion with no scientific or logical weight behind this, it cannot be taken into consideration due to this.

I mean I love me some women, and I can give complements to my bros when they are looking sharp. I mean if you are unsure, its all good, maybe you just can appreciate a male figure without any real attraction to it, it’s a thing too and it’s not a bad thing at all either.

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Doesn’t mean that laws and punishment will stop you. People know that it’s wrong to commit crimes but they still do it in the face of punishment. It might be partially related to genes, but it’s mostly environment.

To test environment vs genetics you need twin studies. I have not seen such a study presented. Maybe there are other ways to exclude environment, still i have not seen it in studies you presented. The older brother study doesn’t no exclude for environment.

I haven’t seen any solid environment evidence either. I just know of various cultures in many parts of the world that simply gave room for the +LGBQ community to just exist in peace. Otherwise, conversion therapy would have shown consistent results but it never does. I mean how in the hell can you convince a straight non religous person to be gay and vice versa using religious/non religious means? I don’t see that unless they already were Bi, or turns out they were gay in the first place and were figuring things out. History and even today we have stories of individuals who had a life journey to figure themselves out, it’s not something that can be done in a day, or at least not for everyone.

Either way, my concern is that if we do find a factor, it’s how society will use this information that worries me. Last thing we need is “justified and lawful” death and misery around. I mean once upon a time, there was “religious” and “moral” reasons to not have mixed race families and kids and we all know how stupid and messed up that is…

Im not sure either as i dont know what makes opposites attract. Obviously sex, but homosexuals have sex too. Perhaps it’s upbringing or personality traits. As far as i think, most of our behaviour is learned and to do isolation studies would be inhumane.

Chemicals and generational child abuse.

We’ve already had ancient groomer cultures, and yes it obviously made more gays targetting adolescences for pedo rituals. If you don’t enforce heterosexual monogamy in a culture it just devolves into a fetish mishmash of pedos and people fucking goats. Everyone knew this already.
Pepe seems to think the mind is set in stone, its fragile as shit lol. The brain itself is a giant coping mechanism. Simply put, if a person becomes too sexually obsessed (enter autism), lack an outlet, or are targetted in a vulnerable state (childhood, abuse etc) dysfunctional behavior emerges.
Humans are a pretty unique creature on this planet and as a species we’re a bit broken.


Yet heterosexual pedophilia exists. Grooming is present, no matter the sexual orientation, homosexual ones are nothing exceptional. There is no evidence that suggest anything you said is true.

Wait wtf, you saying that sexual addiction causes autism? Hold on, please explain.

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I could kinda see this, but I’m sure there are exceptions. These might just be risk factors and not actual causes.

Yet some people prefer to rape male goats instead of females goats, what’s your point?

Its a spiraling black hole. One thing doesn’t provide enough dopamine, you move onto the next.
Do you think necrophiliacs started as necros right out the gate? Fate decided they should fuck corpses really?
Fate oriented thinking like that has always been a large component of the worst of humanity.

Point is facts do not care about your emotional feelings. Sources man, no one simply believes on such thoughts without some kind of actual data behind this as many scientific and psychological findings do not support what you are saying either. All this I hear is just “ewww gays” and nothing more. If I do not see some actual findings or peer reviewed articles of some kind, I have no interest in any of this.

ofc, speaking in terms of majority here.
Like im sure not ALL the raped altar boys turn up gay, but it comes down to how the brain copes on an individual level.

lmao the historical existence of pederasty?

u srs?