Cop Injustices so know your rights

Is this Shakespeare?

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Still could be a risk factor and not the cause.

No offense to anyone here, but i wish some known intellectuals would have a discussion about it, as we seem to lack convincing information it seems, of it even exists.

That homosexuality promotes pedeasty. You said it yourself, “Yet some people prefer to rape male goats instead of females goats, what’s your point?”, ok that is some people BUT NOT ALL PEOPLE. So again, causation does not equal correlation. Just because you see some homosexuality in pedophilia doesn’t mean all homosexuality promotes such thing, which is just as ridiculous to say heterosexuality promotes pedophilia because you see cases of heterosexuality in pedophilia.

Ik we have the same discussion about serial killers nature vs nuture but overwhelming majority seem to have a parent that liked to lock them in a room, mother was a prostitute, etc
But at the same time the dopamine receptors in their brain are fucked beyond repair so this can go on and on as to whether there’s a genetic predisposition to X

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At this point, i can say that homosexuals are here to stay and trying to treat them in adulthood is probably not a good idea as their identity is established. Catching keeds and teenagers early on may also be a risky proposition as that can just mess them up. At best, we should try to make families more wholesome and avoid possible risk factors. Not that it’s necessarily an illness, but supposedly it’s caused by negative influences.

Honestly, I tire of this. I haven’t gotten a single shred of scientific evidence to back anything I’m hearing so it’s futile to try to push this either. Unless I get something, I’m just going to sit back and see people cope and seethe about gay folks just trying to live normal lives.

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I’m here for the overarching discussion not “well all gays arent pedos and all zoos arent necros”

There are pedos who havent touched a kid yet that’s not what im discussing. You have to be really young to look like a perfect femboy = pedophilic tendencies but again, we’re not going down that endless rabbit hole.

Same. I think even among scientists and doctors it’s not a set issue. As i said, best we can do is accept that it’s here and control risk factors as negative ones seem to bring it out and make it harder to cope with (society gets the blame too).

I think everyone made some good points, but it’s hard to sum it up because we just don’t know fully. As far as i can tell, both environment and genes are at work, but it hard to express that quantitatively.

Like it shouldn’t be said because it’s obvious, but none of that will or should save you from being thrown into the slammer, don’t care if the person is straight or gay.

Consider epigenetics also

I have no idea.
Because a lot would have to change.

What exactly?

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Yes, doubt is a healthy conclusion. Hence i dub you Mr. DoubtFire😂😂

download (11)-01



So let’s recap:
You called my argument invalid by comparing it to the statement ‘2+2=4 because gun’.

Meanwhile, you have simply spouted shit such as ‘even by biology’s standards, people don’t need to reproduce as much’ and ‘you’re like a political sheep because nature’. I don’t think you’ve made even one sensible claim. Your entire argument, in fact, seems to simply have been ‘the numbers of gay people are increasing because I’ve decided that natural selection has fundamentally changed. And also fuck nature’.

I do believe that this contradicts your earlier statement of ‘number of gays is increasing because of more social tolerance’. I think you’ve played yourself XD
Although fr, how fucking sad does your life have to be in order to dedicate it to finding out the origin of ‘gay’? I feel sorry for the bois who had to conduct the research and put this shit together lmao

Nothing in life is certain lol
A meteor could hit the earth in a month and we’ll all be too dead to discuss the stupidity of genderisation.

It’s weird but true

Your argument is irrelevant to the claim even if your claim is right.

Yes, the needs of biology adapt to the situation, and the need to reproduce in such a mass amount is non-existant.

The biology of a polar bear would be bad in the desert because of the context of the desert.

Likewise a portion of humanity being gay is not bad because the context of modern society.

Ignoring the awful Grammer that changes the context yes.

Natural selection always changes based on the needs of survival.

The need to keep warm is more important in the artic while the need to keep cool is important in the desert.

Swap those needs and those animals will die

My argument is that the modern environment does not need a high rate of reproduction to say being gay is bad

Also yes but clearly you don’t agree so I have to step around some more.

You know a movie called Mrs. Doubtfire, right? Nothing else relevant except the name, i think.

Yeah I know the movie, but you failed at making a meme.

I’m disappointed in you.

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Thats ok, i can live with that 😁

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Which argument would that be? Biology? If you think so, then that’s rather short-sighted of you.

That still doesn’t stop the fact that the people who are better suited to reproduction will reproduce. We aren’t talking about interspecific competition, we’re talking about intraspecific competition.

Bruh ffs go back to school
The main principle stays exactly the fucking same. The context and results change, but the principles stay the same. That’s like saying the laws of gravity change from planet to planet, the laws stay the same.

My guy, being gay is counterproductive. Like i keep fucking saying, the obstacle gayness presents to reproduction means that gays WILL NOT BE REPRODUCING AS MUCH AS STRAIGHT PEOPLE. The modern environment doesn’t need a high rate of reproduction, but the section of the population that can reproduce best will, over time, wipe out the other section.

What’s the right fucking context then, hm? What is it, you lackbrained homunculus? Is what you’re trying to say “Believing in the principle of natural selection makes you like a sheep”? Because that’s literally all anybody can interperet this as, and it is clearly bullshit lol

Stop stepping and get to the point then, cos i can’t fucking see it XD